Construction of 10 (ten) Nos. Dug and Injection Well, RCC work and other allied work etc. for creation of Sustainable Ground water recharge structures within the jurisdiction of DWS Sub-Division Mungiakami during the year 2024-25 (Gr-V). (投標 №109204945cn)


國家: India
語言: EN
顧客: eProcurement System of Government of Tripura
數: 109204945
出版日期: 15-08-2024





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Construction of 10 (ten) Nos. Dug and Injection Well, RCC work and other allied work etc. for creation of Sustainable Ground water recharge structures within the jurisdiction of DWS Sub-Division Padmabil during the year 2024-25 (Gr-IV). 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Supply of Certified Field Pea, Certified Rajma, Certified Groundnut, Certified Rape and Mustard and Hybrid Maize seeds during Rabi, 2024-25 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Construction of 10 (ten) Nos. Dug and Injection Well, lowering UPVC pipe along with placing of filter media, RCC work and other allied work etc. for creation of Sustainable Ground water recharge structures within the jurisdiction of DWS Sub-Division 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Construction of 10 (ten) Nos. Dug and Injection Well, lowering UPVC pipe along with placing of filter media, RCC work and other allied work etc. for creation of Sustainable Ground water recharge structures within of DWS Sub-Division Teliamura(Gr-III) 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Construction of 10 (ten) Nos. Dug and Injection Well, RCC work and other allied work etc. for creation of Sustainable Ground water recharge structures within the jurisdiction of DWS Sub-Division Tulashikhar during the year 2024-25 (Gr-VI). 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Construction of 10 (ten) Nos. Dug and Injection Well, RCC work and other allied work etc. for creation of Sustainable Ground water recharge structures within the jurisdiction of DWS Sub-Division Teliamura during the year 2024-25 (Gr-IV). 源: Central public Procurement portal India