Re-advertisement of contract number: PIK178/2023-24: Formal price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a contractor for the provision of electrical repairs at Pikitup Robinson Deep Landfill Site. Specification: - Supply & connect from main DB to the weighbridge and to the changeroom: 10mm 25 x 4 SWA 4 core amoured underground cable, test and ensure is supplying power to the changerooms and weighbridge, unit: m, qty: 120, - Supply & install 32nn galvanized pipe and saddles, unit: Item, qty: 2, - Supply & connect 80Amp 3p Circuit breaker 6ka, unit: m, qty: 50m, - Supply & mount 25mm 4 way 102101 CCG utility box, unit: Item, qty: 1, - Labour - wiring, unit: Item, qty: 1, - Contingencies @ 20%, qty: 1. (投標 №105319239cn)


國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 105319239
出版日期: 31-05-2024





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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Adhoc furniture requirements. Specifications: - Couches; - Chairs; - Carpets; - Tables; - Flowers and Plants; - Mobile water dispensers; - Air-coolers; - Mobile Ablutions - Mobile Partitions; - Shade cloth Fire resistant - Mobile Directional/Notice signage; - Bar fridge; - Coat hanger; - Free standing Mirror; - Wheelie Bin; - Temporary platforms; - Heavy duty extension leads. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Servicing and Maintenance of 2 x Diesel Generators for a period of 12 months as per detailed specification. Delivery address: Richmond Municipality 57 Shepstone Street Richmond 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appoint a consultant to carry out Renosterveld restoration in Table Mountain National Park. SANParks seeks to contract a consultant to implement Renosterveld restoration activities planned in Table Mountain National Park at the Groote Schuur Estate. Restoration will be carried out in 20 plots measuring 60 x 20m with each being a tripled trial (i.e. 2.4ha in total), spread across this area. SANParks will propose a draft list of =40 species for the restoration project. Responsibilities of the service provider: • Input into target species list; • Collect plant material; • Curate and propagate plant material as specified in scope of work; • Provide records of vegetative propagation success from seed or cuttings; • Provide final feedback on species available for restoration planting as at 15 December 2024 and 20 March 2025; • Carry out on-site restoration activities, including: 1. Deliver plant material (seeds and cuttings) to the site locations; 2. Recruitment and management of field assistants (staff and volunteers) such that both sowing and planting activities are each carried out within one week; 3. Overseeing of seed sowing and planting of rootstock. It is expected that duration of this project is 18 months. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fire fighting training course. Scope: • SAQA Unit Standard 12484/1 Unit Std: 252250, NQF Level 2, 4 Credits. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of freezer for HIV Lab Sandringham. Please confirm the closing date as two closing dates were published. Please note that this quotation was published late. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited from suitable and experienced service providers for the following for Umdoni Municipality: Provision of auction services: Functions to be conducted by the successful service provider are: - Preparation of assets for each auction, - Act as independent appraiser to determine the minimum selling price, - Placements of advertising, - Preparation of terms and conditions of sale, - Preparation of the report for the assets not in a condition for sale/certification as scrap. 源: ONLINE TENDERS