The servicing of all air handling units and air conditioning units throughout Newport (投標 №82883817cn)


國家: Anguilla
語言: AI
數: 82883817
出版日期: 25-04-2023





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Addendum: Amendment to the Closing Date: The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) invites tenders for the Routine Road Maintenance of the National Road N14 from Vryburg to Tswaing Municipal Border, N18 from Vryburg to Ratlou Municipal Border and R34 from Vryburg to Mamusa Municipal Border. This project is in the province of North-West and in the district Ngaka Modiri Molema District. The approximate duration is sixty (60) months. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Addendum: Amendment to the Closing Date: South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) invites tenders for the routine road maintenance of national route R24 section 01 from Rustenburg to Gauteng border, R52 section 03 from Koster to N4 Rustenburg, R30 section 09 from JB Marks Municipal Border to Olifantsnek/Routine road maintenance of national route N14 from Ditsobotla Municipal Border to Gauteng border, R30 from Kgetlengrivier Municipal Border through Ventersdorp to Matlosana Municipal Border and R53 from Potchefstroom to Ventersdorp. This project is in the province of North West and in the District Rustenburg Local Municipality and Kgetlengrivier Local Municipality. The approximate duration is sixty (60) months. Please confirm the description. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of two (2) berth double axle horse box to the South African Police Service for a period of two (2) years, nationally. Scope of work: Two (2) berth double axle horse boxes for an on and off road usage. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Addendum: Amendment to the Closing Date: The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) invites tenders for the routine road maintenance of National Road R52 from Biesiesvlei to Lichtenburg, R503 from Matlosana Municipal Border to Lichtenburg, R505 from Tswaing Municipal Border to Mahikeng Municipal Border, N14 from Tswaing Municipal Border to JB Marks Municipal Border. This project is in the province of North-West Province and in the Ditsobotla Local Municipality. The approximate duration is sixty (60) months. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Heating Centre & Full Heating Upgrade 源: eTenders - National database for public procurement

24376 - Britain's Ocean City Half Marathon 源: Supplying The South West – regional tender portal