应急管理部信息研究院采矿智能化爆破设计及年度生产计划系统开发项目中标公告 (投標 №115534527cn)

國家: China
語言: CN
數: 115534527
出版日期: 06-12-2024





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Addendum: Extension of closing date: Tenders are hereby invited from a suitable service provider for printing and mailing of monthly municipal accounts for the client for a period of 36 months. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the hire of scaffolding on an as and when required basis for the period of six months at the Port of Durban: at Maydon Wharf and Agriport terminals as per specifications. Scope: The work shall consist of providing all labour, scaffolding and equipment required for the safe execution of erecting scaffolding on site: Erection and Dismantling: • Erect scaffolding within the grain elevator; • Scaffolding is to be erected to a minimum height of ± 8m; • Stairway on each level of scaffolding; • Railings to be fitted on all levels and stairways; • Kick plate required on all platforms; • Scaffolding and fittings to be coated/painted. No exceptions; • Period required: Seventy days as and when required for each hire; • Scaffolding to be dismantled and removed or rather moved to other areas within the elevator, when required; • The contractor is to erect, inspect and approve the scaffolding before handing over to client for use, to be done by a qualified and competent personnel; • The scaffolding must accommodate a maximum of 4 people with hand tools; • Minimum weight to be accommodated: 500kg. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

中山大学附属第三医院电子十二指肠镜采购项目更正公告 源: CCGP

陕西省消防救援总队“自然灾害应急能力提升工程”装备配备项目(灭火保障类器材)第2、5包中... 源: CCGP

全国农村义务教育学生营养改善计划管理信息系统功能升级项目中标公告 源: CCGP

西南交通大学轨道交通牵引制动试验台-传动机械系统采购项目(第二次)公开招标更正公告 源: CCGP