Japan: 招標、公共採購 . 頁 № 7

總投標: 147978 + 新 164



16 mar
LED Lighting 12V (EN) 添加到收藏夾
通過申請結束: 73 天
顧客: Made-in-china

數: 120555305

國家: Japan

源: Made-in-china

16 mar
警察庁及び関東管区警察局省庁別宿舎管理業務委託 (JP) 添加到收藏夾
通過申請結束: 12 天
顧客: 警察庁

數: 120558339

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar
浄化槽等点検・清掃 (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: 皇宮警察本部

數: 120558340

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar
1号建物他個別空調機借上げ据付役務 (JP) 添加到收藏夾
通過申請結束: 5 天
顧客: 陸上自衛隊

數: 120558341

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar
勝田駐屯地し尿汲取役務 (JP) 添加到收藏夾
通過申請結束: 2 天
顧客: 陸上自衛隊

數: 120558342

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar
七会訓練場し尿汲取役務 (JP) 添加到收藏夾
通過申請結束: 2 天
顧客: 陸上自衛隊

數: 120558343

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar
大宮駐屯地第1研究棟廃液処理装置の保守整備 (JP) 添加到收藏夾
通過申請結束: 2 天
顧客: 陸上自衛隊

數: 120558344

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar
大寺浄水場緑地管理業務委託 (JP) 添加到收藏夾
通過申請結束: 3 天
顧客: 千葉県かずさ水道広域連合企業団

數: 120558345

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar
十日市場浄水場薬品沈でん池4号池汚泥掻寄機点検整備工事 (JP) 添加到收藏夾
通過申請結束: 3 天
顧客: 千葉県かずさ水道広域連合企業団

數: 120558346

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar
かずさ水道広域連合企業団本庁舎LED照明器具賃貸借 (JP) 添加到收藏夾
通過申請結束: 3 天
顧客: 千葉県かずさ水道広域連合企業団

數: 120558347

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar
管網解析精緻化検討業務委託 (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: 東京都水道局

數: 120558348

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar

數: 120558349

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar
上石神井住宅除却工事 (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: 東京都住宅供給公社

數: 120558350

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar
都営橋場二丁目アパート外構改善工事 (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: 東京都住宅供給公社

數: 120558351

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar

數: 120558352

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar

數: 120558353

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar

數: 120558355

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar
令和7年度焼却灰分析委託 (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: 神奈川県大和市

數: 120558356

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar

數: 120558358

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar
保育所温度保持除湿保守点検委託 (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: 神奈川県大和市

數: 120558359

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar
令和7年度排ガス分析委託 (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: 神奈川県大和市

數: 120558360

國家: Japan

源: https://www.nikoukei.co.jp

16 mar

數: 120560615

國家: Japan

源: RFQ

16 mar

數: 120561844

國家: Japan

源: RFQ

16 mar
34044344 (EN) 添加到收藏夾

數: 120562846

國家: Japan

源: RFQ

16 mar

數: 120563618

國家: Japan

源: RFQ

16 mar

數: 120563966

國家: Japan

源: RFQ

16 mar

數: 120564574

國家: Japan

源: RFQ

16 mar

數: 120566276

國家: Japan

源: RFQ

16 mar

數: 120567067

國家: Japan

源: RFQ

17 mar

數: 120568977

國家: Japan

源: RFQ

17 mar

數: 120570034

國家: Japan

源: RFQ

17 mar
Committee room chair (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Government Procurement Japan

數: 120572402

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar
Purchase of Refillable storage battery (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Government Procurement Japan

數: 120572403

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar

數: 120572407

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar
Renewal of digital forensics software license 1 set (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Government Procurement Japan

數: 120572409

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar
Consumables for inspection (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Government Procurement Japan

數: 120572412

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar
Repair of the Dredger/Oil recovery Vessel "SEIRYUMARU", 1 Set (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Government Procurement Japan

數: 120572413

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar
Equipment rental and maintenance of servers and peripherals 1 set (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Government Procurement Japan

數: 120572414

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar

數: 120572416

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar
Lease of Artificial ventilation 1 set (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Government Procurement Japan

數: 120572417

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar
FY 2025 Wheel running machine measuring device repair (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Government Procurement Japan

數: 120572419

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar
3 Units of Sprinkler Truck (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Government Procurement Japan

數: 120572420

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar
1 Unit of Road Sweeper (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Government Procurement Japan

數: 120572421

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar
11 Units of Truck With Traffic Sign (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Government Procurement Japan

數: 120572422

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar
15 Units of Truck With Wet Salt Spreader (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Government Procurement Japan

數: 120572423

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar
8 Units of Patrol Car and 1 Unit of Patrol Car For Maintenance (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Government Procurement Japan

數: 120572424

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar
MRI compatible 3D-HMD device 1 set (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Government Procurement Japan

數: 120572426

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar
Use of InCites Benchmarking & Analytics 1 Set (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Government Procurement Japan

數: 120572428

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar
Electronic Approval Service License 1 Set (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Government Procurement Japan

數: 120572429

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar
Halide Vapor Phase Epitaxy Reactor for Gallium Oxide Growth 1 set (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Government Procurement Japan

數: 120572430

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar
ECU and ER monitoring system 1set (JP) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Government Procurement Japan

數: 120572431

國家: Japan

源: Government Procurement Japan

17 mar
Installations including a Large Display for the Sendai City Hall Main Building (set: 1) (EN) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government
17 mar
Administrative Support for Comprehensive Evaluation Review (1 set) (EN) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government
17 mar
Rescue Car (EN) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government
17 mar
Operation of school buses for Kanagawa Prefectural Tsurumi School for Special Needs Education (EN) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government
17 mar
Operation of school buses for Kanagawa Prefectural Midori School for Special Needs Education (EN) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government
17 mar
Operation of school buses for Kanagawa Prefectural Seya School for Special Needs Education (EN) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government
17 mar
Operation of school buses for Kanagawa Prefectural Takatsu School for Special Needs Education (EN) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government
17 mar
Operation of school buses for Kanagawa Prefectural Takeyama School for Special Needs Education (EN) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government
17 mar
Operation of school buses for Kanagawa Prefectural Odawara School for Special Needs Education (EN) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government
17 mar
Operation of school buses for Kanagawa Prefectural Sagamihara School for Special Needs Education (EN) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government
17 mar
Operation of school buses for Kanagawa Prefectural Asao School for Special Needs Education (EN) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government
17 mar
Operation of school buses for Kanagawa Prefectural Kanazawa School for Special Needs Education (EN) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government
17 mar
Operation of school buses for Kanagawa Prefectural Ebina School for Special Needs Education (EN) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government
17 mar
Operation of school buses for Kanagawa Prefectural Aoba School for Special Needs Education (EN) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government