South Africa: 招標、公共採購

目前,我们的数据库中包含 434135 个活跃的招标,涵盖 South Africa 经济的不同行业和领域。我们致力于提供 South Africa 招标程序和采购的全面和最新信息,以帮助您的企业发现新机会并扩大业务范围。

10 feb

數: 118700346

國家: South Africa

源: RFQ

10 feb

數: 118700398

國家: South Africa

源: RFQ

10 feb

數: 118700529

國家: South Africa

源: RFQ

10 feb

數: 118700653

國家: South Africa

源: RFQ

10 feb
Bids are hereby invited for the provision of internal audit services for a period of three (3) financial years, subject to an annual review. Scope of works: • Develop the Internal Audit Charter that contains the purpose, authority, and responsibility of the internal audit activity. The Internal Audit Charter must be consistent with the New Global Standards; • Develop a rolling three-year strategic and annual internal audit plan based on the results of the risk review and the execution of audits in accordance with these plans; • Perform internal audits based on the approved client internal audit methodology and plan or when a specific need arises based on the request made by the client; • Attend quarterly meetings such as Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) and/or on request by the ARC or client Company Secretary; • Submit reports to the Audit Steering Committee as and when audits are completed; • Submit quarterly reports to the Audit & Risk Committee for the duration of the contract; • Conduct audit review on reported performance information against predetermined objectives for the selected programmes quarterly as presented in the Annual Performance Plan; • Conduct audit review on compliance with specific legislation in terms of selected subject matters and significant deficiencies in internal control; • Perform all Internal Audit functions in line with the requirements of the PFMA, Treasury Regulations as well as New Global Standards; • Liaise with the external auditors to prevent duplication of work and share information to obtain efficiencies; • Perform a follow-up of all Internal audit and external audit findings and determine whether the actions plan as recommended have been adequately addressed; • Provide assurance on Combined Assurance Model; • Conduct skills transfer in line with the agreed Training Plan. (EN) 添加到收藏夾
通過申請結束: 22 天

數: 118701950

國家: South Africa