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02 feb

數: 118262298

國家: South Africa

源: RFQ

02 feb
Addendum: Extension of Closing Date and Amendment to Proposal Documents. Proposals are hereby invited for the impact study for network infrastructure – proposed Private Sector Participation (PSP) for optical fibre network, with consideration of the national rail policy and the recently enacted economic regulation of transport act, within a period of four (4) months. The following paragraphs detail the scope of work required for this demand request: a) They own, operate, and manage telecommunications network infrastructure which is key to safe and reliable freight operations. b) The networks have primarily been deployed for the support of the mission critical systems deployed for the safe movement of trains and pumping control operations of fuel. The fibre network is deployed to ensure connectivity of Relay rooms for the support of the Train Authorization Systems (TAS). In addition to the TAS the fibre optic cable is also responsible to connect Condition Assessment Systems (CAS), Tele-control for substations and Telecommunication High sites. c) The products that are in scope for the proposed PSP is the Optic fibre cables and DWDM. The following paragraph detailed these networks: - The fibre transmission network is made up of more than 9000km of optic fibre cable (Layer 1). TFR’s Layer 1 network consists of 24 – core, 36 – core, and 48 – core fibre cables. - The DWDM Optical Transport Network (Layer 2) provides multiplexing capability of bandwidth services across the Layer 1. The network is supported by over 140 network equipment rooms with approximately 159 Huawei Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexers (DWDM) nodes used for transmitting digital signals. d) Note that there is no common CMDB (Configuration Management Database) for fibre assets: - Resources and tools of trade dedicated to supporting and maintaining the above-listed elements. e) The TPL-owned fibre transmission is made up of 715Km of fibre: - Layer 1: (Passive fibre): 1 x 48 Core – mainly unused (~2 Pairs used) for IT and security services: “Semiexpress” route terminating only at pump stations: included in scope 1 x 24 Core for TPL process network, fully owned and operated by TPL (OT): “Omnibus” route terminating and valve and pump stations: excluded from scope. f) Maintained by TFR. - Layer 2: (Active fibre): • Optical equipment (Layer 2): Cisco Multi-Services-Provisioning-Platform. • End Of life: Support agreement ended in 2019. • Supported on time and material basis. • Monitored from Master Control Centre (MCC) at Durban. g) The other network that is deployed for Train safety is the radio network that consist of the Trunked and conventional radio networks. These networks are out of scope for the proposed PSP. (EN) 添加到收藏夾
通過申請結束: 13 天

數: 118264969

國家: South Africa