Non destructive testing penetrants, Group I conforming to IS 12889-1989 (Reaffirmed 2000) with Non-aqueous Wet developer. (投標 №107421635cn)


國家: India
語言: EN
數: 107421635
出版日期: 14-07-2024





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Book of 50 leaves Ruled size: 20.5 x 33 cm. Printed East Central Railway in Hindi and English [1]Paper to be used white printing of 60 GSM as per IS No.1848/2007. [2]Cover Pulp Board white of 275 GSM of white colour as per IS No.4664/86 [ Grade - G]. [3]Binding quarter bound flash.. 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Guider for BWT Wagons as per Drg.No. NCR/JHS/SK-2636.Alt-03 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Book of 200 leaves ruled size: 20.5 x 33 cm. (1)Paper to be used white printing of 60 GSM as per IS No.1848/2007. (2)Cover Straw of 68 DKG, 1350 GSM as per IS No.2617/2006 with cover to be pasted paper brown kraft 60 GSM. (3) Binding quarter bound flash. 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Form No. OP/T-7/OP/G-5. Gourd Memo Bookl. Books of 100 leaves. Printed with Black ink. Brown kraft cover binding.. Centre wire stitching in two places., Both side printing Size: A-4. Paper: White Map litho 60 GSM, I.S No. 1848/07 (Reaffirmed 2012). Paper must conform to para 4.8.2 (a) Type-A of I.S-1848, Brown craft paper;110 GSM of I.S No 1397/90 Grade-II (MG) Printing matter to be collected form consignee and one sample for printing, binding and finishing to be got approved from consignee be 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Description :File Port Folio Size:35 x 25.5 Cm. full Calico Brand with 4 flaps, 50 Percent Green and 50 Percent Red of total quantity. 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Stopper for BWT Wagons as per Drg. No. NCR/JHS/SK-2635.Alt-02 源: Central public Procurement portal India