Extension of DI pipeline, replacing of damaged sluice valve within jurisdiction of Ambassa Municipality area under DWS Sub-Division Ambassa. (投標 №116407325cn)


國家: India
語言: EN
顧客: eProcurement System of Government of Tripura
數: 116407325
出版日期: 20-12-2024





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Annual maintenance incidental repair of ACs along with skilled mechanic semi skilled helper for Split type Vertical type Air Conditioning machine installed at Academic building and Hostel building under Tripura Judicial Academy during the year 源: Central public Procurement portal India

FDR _ Urgent Mtc. of Gauge office , near Haj Bhavan Agartal, under Water Resource Sub-Division Agartala during the year 2023_24. _SH_ Flooring,repairing of Roof and wall, painting , plastering , water supply and sanitary work and other allied works 源: Central public Procurement portal India

FDR_SDRF_Protection of right bank of Noacherra from erosion by providing cement concrete block at Bagabassa Embankment from Ch.71.0 mtr to Ch.108.0 mtr under W.R. Sub-Division Melaghar during the year 2024_25._Bank revetment work. 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Construction of 10000 Gallon Capacity clear water reservoir with pump house and other allied works at Ananda Para under Chakma VC under Ganganagar RD Block within the Jurisdiction of DWS Division Ambassa. 源: Central public Procurement portal India

FDR_ Protection of Bank errosion of River BURIMA near Jampuijala near market _ I, LI scheme and adjacent village road ,under Jampuijala RD Block during the year 2024_25_ SH Bank revetment work by sand cement block and earth work for the length of 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Shifting of Rajnagar_I, L.I. Scheme, near Rajnagar School under AMC, Ward No_ 36, under Water Resource Sub_Division Agartala during the year 2023_24. _SH_ Re_Construction of pump house, installation of pump motor, remodeling of UPVC distribution sy 源: Central public Procurement portal India