Supply of Silt / Plants Earthen Pots and Grass Turfing Lawns with Grass Sods etc in Dargai Gill Forest Park (投標 №75481294cn)


國家: India
語言: EN
數: 75481294
出版日期: 11-01-2023





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Tirgus izpēte “Inženiertehnisko būvju atjaunošanas tehnisko projektu – būvprojektu izstrādes vadītāja pakalpojumi” 源: VAS "Latvijas dzelzceļš"

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Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Technical assistance to assess implementation of the integrated school health programme and policy. Scope of Work: The purpose of the assessment is to establish the extent of the progress made towards implementation of the ISHP policy and make recommendations towards the development of a revised policy. Objectives: The objectives of the assessment is to: - Conduct a situation analysis of existing school health and education policies (national, sub-national, local and school level, where relevant) and compare them with the 2021 global standards for making every school a health promoting schools and the DBE Care and Support for Teaching and Learning Framework; - To analyze the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) of current ISHP implementation including, activities and practices to identify areas in which systems can strengthen policies and strategies for health and well being; - To make recommendation to improve implementation and alignment to global guidance and development of a revised policy. Duration: Six months. Country: South Africa. 源: ONLINE TENDERS