Purchase of Medical & Lab Equip, IT Equip, F&F, P&M and Other & Bedding Clothing (投標 №76372679cn)

國家: India
語言: EN
數: 76372679
出版日期: 25-01-2023





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Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Supply of office furniture for 6 series. Please note that this quotation was published late. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Extension of closing date: Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Provision of public cloud computing services for a period of three (3) years. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of gas cylinders for testing facility and welding use across Transnet Pipelines Depots and Workshops on an “as and when” required basis for a period of three years. Specifications: 1. The various depots and their physical addresses which the helium cylinders will need to be delivered to: - 2 x Tarlton: Corner Rustenburg and Ventersdorp Road. - 2 x Refractionator Plant: Corner Rustenburg and Ventersdorp Road. - 2 x Alrode: 35 Garfield Street, Alberton. - 2 x Waltloo: 4 Alwyn Street, Waltloo, 0184. - 2 x Witbank: 9 Schoonland Drive, Ferrobank, Witbank. - 2 x Jameson Park Terminal: Corner R42 and Poortjie Road, Heidelberg. - 2 x Coalbrook: Jan Haak Road (at Natref gate), Sasolburg. - 2 x Sasolburg: Corner Henry and Berguise Street, Sasolburg. - 2 x Island View Terminal: Lot 5, Corner of Taiwan Road and Trinidad Road, Bluff, 4052. 2. Nitrogen TEC 11kg Cylinder: - 1 x Jameson Park Terminal: Corner R42 and Poortjie Road, Heidelberg. - 1 x Island View Terminal: Lot 5, Corner of Taiwan Road and Trinidad Road, Bluff, 4052. 3. Cylinder gases for welding use: - Pinetown Workshop: 10b Kirk Road, Pinetown. - Ladysmith Workshop: 7 Hamilton Road, Ladysmith. - Jameson Park Workshop: Corner R42 and Poortjie Road, Heidelberg. - Alrode Workshop: 3 Akasia Road, Alberton. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Annual Demand of Kits for Bio-Chemistry Department, King Edward Medical University, Lahore. 源: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Annual Demand of Glassware items for Bio-Chemistry Department, King Edward Medical University, Lahore. 源: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Procurement of Furniture & Fixture (Tender No. 0115 / 2022-2023) 源: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL