Tender Notice (投標 №84587744cn)


國家: India
語言: EN
數: 84587744
出版日期: 22-05-2023





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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and deliver stationery items. Specifications: - A4 manuscript books, 2 quire; - Black and red pens; - File divider; - A4 lever arch file; - Buff envelopes, B5, 250 x 176mm. Required at: Greytown Hospital - Stores. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division or Section: Central Supply Chain Management. Contract Period: Once off. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

The Sekhukhune TVET College hereby invites service providers to quote for the following: Supply and delivery of tools for electrical training. Specifications: 1. Crimping tool ratchet type insulted, (1.5-6mm), 15, 2. Hacksaw frame-sold frame type and blades, 300mm, 15, 3. Hacksaw junior and blades, Each, 15, 4. Ball pein hammer, 200g, 15, 5. Pad locks and key, Each, 15, 6. Plier combination insulated, 200mm, 15, 7. Plier diagonal cutting insulated, 200mm, 15, 8. Plier round nose insulated, 200mm, 15, 9. Centre punch, 8mm, 15, 10. Engineering square, 100mm, 15, 11. Steel engineering ruler, 300mm, 15, 12. Cable knife (steel)/utility knife (steel), Each, 15, 13. Screw driver set- flat 3 piece insulated, 15, 14. Screw driver set-phillips 3 piece insulated, 15, 15. Shifting spanner/Adjustable wrenches, 150mm, 15, 16. Tube spanner/nut driver 8mm, 15, 17. Tape-steel, 5m, 15, 18. Metal tray tool box, Each, 15, 19. Vice grip 134-250mm, 15, 20. Wire stripper 1.0-32mm², 15, 21. Scriber, Each, 15, 22. Spirit level 500mm, 15, 23. Bastard file with handle 250mm-300mm, 15, 24. Spring bender 20mm², 15, 25. Smooth file with handle 250mm, 15, 26. 2nd Cut file with handle, 250mm, 15, 27. Round file with handle 250mm, 300mm(range), 15, 28. Plier water pump insulated, 200mm, 15, 29. Combination square, 100mm, 15, 30. Multi meter (electrician), 100VDC/750VAV true RMS digital multimeter, 15. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery, configuration and maintenance of drones and the related equipment and provision of Drone Pilot (RPL) training and facilitation of SACAA compliance (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System Operations Certificate) (RPAS) on behalf of the Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG) for the period of 36 months. Please confirm the closing time as two closing times were published. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: The City of Joburg Property Company (SOC) Ltd hereby invites interested professionals to submit their proposals for the following: Appointment of JPC panel of professional property valuers to conduct property valuations for the determination of the following: market value, rental value, replacement value, investment analysis, insurance value, valuation of specialized properties, highest and best use analysis, property market research and real estate market analysis for the City of Joburg Property Company for a period of 3 years. Please confirm the closing date as two closing dates were published. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for the provision of impact assessment and tracer studies services for selected BANKSETA programmes. The scope of work the South African-based service provider will have to implement will include: • Conducting impact assessment and tracer studies on BANKSETA programmes list of programmes is not exhaustive but rather examples (e.g. Bursaries, Learnerships, Work Integrated Learning (WIL) and Internship); • Development of a Theory of Change for Impact Assessment Studies; • Development of data collection tool for all studies; • Data collection process including ethical considerations; • Data analysis; • Production of Tracer Study Reports and Impact Assessment Study Reports that will include the following: - A full study report; - A separate Executive Summary; - A full PowerPoint Presentation Study; - A separate, Summary of Findings, Recommendations, and Implications for Policy Report; • Impact Assessment Study: The Impact Assessment Project will serve to understand, explore and document key features, trends, challenges, and outcomes of skills interventions in the banking and microfinance sector. Fundamentally, the research project will assist in further developing a sustainable skills development strategy for the BANKSETA. This study will elicit BANKSETA’s contribution in enhancing economic growth in the country. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and deliver of PPE. Specifications • Hand gloves, Qty: 100; • Elbow length Leather gloves, Qty: 30; • Eye protection/goggles, Qty: 30; • Sunhat/Cricket hats, Qty: 60; • Conti suit (Royal Blue) (various size), Qty: 40; • Rain suits (various size), Qty: 8 • Safety boots (various size), Qty: 5; • Safety boots, Qty: 3; • T-shirt (various size), Qty: 50; • Chainsaw pants – durable (Pangolin); • Chainsaw pants – Waist trousers, classic entry; • Reflector Vest (various size), Qty: 50; • Chainsaw Gloves, Qty: 7; • Brush cutter leg protection, Qty: 2; • Chainsaw Helmet, Qty: 3. 源: ONLINE TENDERS