Framework contract for Local Purchase of Medicines and Disposables Surgicals for the year 2023-24 For THQ Hospital 90 SB Sargodha (投標 №87495224cn)

國家: India
語言: EN
數: 87495224
出版日期: 15-07-2023





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Extension of the Closing Date: Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Manufacture, test, supply and delivery of estimated quantities of line hardware items (in the category galvanized fabricated steel components) on an ""as and when"" required basis for the Central East Cluster (Kwa-Zulu Natal Operating Unit and Free State Operating Unit) for a period of 24 months. The warehouses where delivery is required will be Welkom RDC, Vryheid RDC, New Germany RDC and Empangeni RDC. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Extension of the Closing Date: Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Study for Cleaner Fossil Fuels Roadmap for South Africa (Phase III). Scope of work: The scope of work for this project will seek to generate a concise, reader friendly document that utilizes the first two phases to inform the following requirements: 1. Produce a skills assessment plan: - Skills required for each technology (professional, skilled and semi-skilled); - Overarching and transferable skills that can be used across some technologies; - Duration to acquire skills; - Cost to acquire skills; - Availability of skill in South Africa; - Gaps in skill availability; - Overall team qualifications for each technology; - Consider the JET implications (benefits and any disadvantages). 2. Soft/Hardware assessment plan: - Software required; - Hardware required; - Availability in South Africa; - Costs of acquiring; - Duration of training required to operate. 3. Legislation requirements: - Applicable South African legislation (including that of construction where necessary); - Applicable Standards/Methodologies; - Availability of relevant legislation; - Permitting and Licencing requirements; - Opportunities to inform policy/legislation. 4. Based on the above short-medium-long term recommendations this report should: - Showcase success factors, hurdles/challenges, economics successful implementation of each recommendation; - Outline a feasible implementation plan with a clear summarised infographic plan included. 5. Administration, the Contractor shall: - Record written minutes of each Project Steering Committee (PSC) (minimum of 3); - Circulate all minutes within 5 working days of the meeting; - Produce Progress Reports to be addressed at progress meetings. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Extension of the Closing Date: The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) invites tenders for the following: Consulting engineering services for the supervision of the slope stabilization on National Route N2 Section 13: Grey Street and Makhanda Cutting, National Route N2 Section 19: Lucingweni Cutting and National Route R410 Section 2: Rareni Cutting. This project is in the province of Eastern Cape and in the Sarah Baartman, Alfred Nzo and Chris Hani District Municipalities and the Makana, Umzimvubu and Sakhisizwe Local Municipalities and the approximate programme for the construction supervision of 24 months including 3 months for the Mobilization Period, commencing January 2024. Site Locations: 1. Grey Street cutting on National Route N2 Section 13, km 51.17 – km 51.54; 2. Makhanda cutting on National Route N2 Section 13, km 52.08 – km 52.33; 3. Lucingweni cutting on National Route N2 Section 19, km 67.97 – km 68.09; 4. Rareni cutting on National Route R410 Section 2, km 39.48 – km 40.22. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Extension of Closing Date: Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Supply, installation, and upgrade of outside plant RTU CW at Arnot Power Station for a period of 2 years. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fleet: Heavy Vehicle Spares Procurement: Supply and deliver spares Toyota Hino 3T BM 21. Specifications: - Reg. No/Type/Model: CCT35682 Toyota Hino 3T BM 21; - Vin No: AHHUCK1H601000908; - Notification: 901970984. Delivery Date: 2023/07/24. Delivery To: Fleet Mechanical Workshop Fleet. Delivery Address: 33 Reed Street, Bellville. 源: ONLINE TENDERS