Open e-Tender for Repairs, maintenance & execution of all works including new works [i.e. General work, Wood works, Water Pipeline and sanitary works] of all service building at Malda Station area, Goods Shed, Cabins, Divl. Rly. Hospital, coaching depot, other service buildings at MALDA station area, Circulating area, Platforms & Sheds, DRM s Office building, Railway Stadium, RRB Malda & AEN/Malda Office, Offices other than Malda Town Station area etc., all service building fr (投標 №87914053cn)


國家: India
語言: EN
數: 87914053
出版日期: 23-07-2023





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TOWER BOLT (STAINLESS STEEL) 100 MM AS PER DRAWING NO. SK NO. LLH-11/2002 ALT-3, TYPE-4. 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Open e-Tender for Repairs, maintenance and execution of all works including new works [i.e. General work, Wood works, Water Pipeline and sanitary works] of Service building, Circulating area, Platforms & Sheds, staff Qtrs. in the section of SSE/W/Barharwa under AEN/NEW FARAKKA in Zone No.08 for the period ending 30.06.2024. 源: Central public Procurement portal India

HAND BRAKE CABLE ASSEMBLY FOR 10 BRAKE 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Open e-Tender for Repairs, maintenance and execution of all works including new works [i.e. General work, Wood works, Water Pipeline and sanitary works etc.] of Service building, staff Qtrs. Circulating area, Platforms & Sheds etc. in the section of SSE/W/Jangipur Road under AEN/New Farakka in Zone No.07 for the period ending 30.06.2024. 源: Central public Procurement portal India

DRAIN COCK ASSEMBLY etc 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Open e-Tender for Repairs, maintenance and execution of all works including new works [i.e. General work, Wood works, Water Pipeline and sanitary works and Road works] of all Officers Quarters, Kalindri Bhawan and Divl. Training School at Old Malda, Including Hostel, Quarter, academic block, Central School including academic block and residential building including circulating area etc. under AEN/Malda in Zone No. 06 for the period ending 30.06.2023. 源: Central public Procurement portal India