NIT No.11 /EE(EnM)M-7/2023-24 Item 02 (投標 №92730635cn)

國家: India
語言: EN
顧客: eTendering System Government of NCT of Delhi
數: 92730635
出版日期: 18-10-2023





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Re-development of old serviceable 35 (Thirty Five) nos. Deep Tube Well with departmental air compressor (450 cfm and 150 PSI output) at different places within the jurisdiction of Rig Sub-Division, Belonia under DWS Division, Belonia 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Construction of 02 (Two) nos. Semi Permanent Pump House, providing and installation of pump sets, providing, laying of pipeline, providing FHTC in different locations of Bokafa Block under DWS Sub-Division, Santirbazar 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Redevelopment of old serviceable 10 (Ten) nos. Deep Tube Well contractors own air Compressor (not less than 1100 CFM and 300 PSI output ) within the jurisdiction of Rig Sub-Division, Belonia under DWS Division, Belonia 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Re-development of old serviceable 34 (Thirty Four) nos. Deep Tube Well with contractors own air Compressor (300-450 CFM output) in different places of south District under DWS Division Belonia 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Construction of 04 (Four) Nos. water storage reservoir for boasting of water along with construction of Pump House, laying of pipeline, instalation of submerssible pump and motors within the jurisdiction of Hrishyamukh RD Block 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Estimate for Remodeling with concrete lining of Minor 1 and its VRB at RD 1244 and RD 9066 of Newada Disty System off taking at Rd 18200/R of Newada Disty. with 10 percent enhanced capacity. 源: Central public Procurement portal India