Provision of Passenger Information System at Perambur (PER), Ambattur (ABU) and Tiruvallur (TRL) Stations in Chennai Division of Southern Railway und (投標 №94276854cn)


國家: India
語言: EN
數: 94276854
出版日期: 15-11-2023





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Construction of Pucca Road over the existing road by providing GSB WBM 80 mm CC Paver Block and 40mm SDBC from Alimur Tinali to Dikom railway crossing including supply of all materials except cement 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Revamping of Bituminous ring road of length 720 meter 8 meter wide and length 130 meter 10 meter wide inside OGPL and P pipe yard in Madhuting by sub base layer of GSB of thickness 150mm Gravel layer of 150mm two layers of 75mm thick WBM 40mm thick SDBC construction of embankment making earthen drain by side of the road of approximately 610 meter providing Three rows of culvert including supply of all materials 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of OILs Crude oil Pipeline SCADA system hardware Servers Workstations Monitors Switches Routers Firewall elements Printers PCs Laptops and Network elements installed under UGPS phase 1 in Assam West Bengal and Bihar for a period of Three years extendable by 1 year 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Construction of 7 nos CC matress inside the Tank dyke at ITF Tengakhat 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Construction of new boundary wall 14 feet 12 feet wall and 2 feet concertina coil at top height by dismantling the existing wall of Kathalguri OCS including supply of all materilas by contractor except cement Total Length 800mtr approx 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Selection of BackEnd Partner for Online Computer based Test in NCT of Delhi and NCR 源: Central public Procurement portal India