Soumission relatif à un accord-cadre de fourniture de paires de gants de protection pour les pompiers et de paires de gants d’intervention pour les pompiers pour les besoins du Corps Grand-ducal d’Incendie et de Secours (CGDIS) (投標 №86598044cn)

國家: Luxembourg
語言: LU
數: 86598044
出版日期: 29-06-2023





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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Renovation to Patient Toilets. Required at: Sundumbili CHC. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division or Section: Central Supply Chain Management. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and deliver navy Theatre scrubs suits, safety scrubs, Quantity: 560 units. Specifications: • Size: XX large (top and bottom) x 240 pairs; • Size: XXX large (top and bottom) x 160 pairs; • Size: X large (top and bottom) x 160 pairs. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division or Section: Central Supply Chain Management. Place where goods/service is required: Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital. Please note that this quotation was published late. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of splinting material, 3.2mm x 46 x 61cm, Rolyan Aquaplast Resilient Solid, Quantity: 10 Boxes. Required at: Nkonjeni Hospital. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Division or section: Central Supply Chain Management. Please note that this quotation was published late. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Replacement of Doors. Required at: Sundumbili CHC. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division or Section: Central Supply Chain Management. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of ultrasound gel, 5 litre, Quantity: 200 units. Specifications: - Ultrasound gel, colour: clear, used for laser treatments, ultrasounds, HIFV treatments, cavitation treatments and radio frequency treatment, SANS approved, size: 5 litre. Required at: Hlabisa Hospital. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division or Section: Central Supply Chain Management. Contract Period: Once off. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of disposable biopsy forceps coated, spiked with alligator teeth x 50 units. Specifications: 1. Must be sterile; 2. Must be disposable; 3. Must be coated; 4. Must have spiked alligator teeth; 5. Diameter: 2.3mm; 6. Length: 230cm. Contract period: Once off. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division: Central Supply Chain Management. Place where goods/service is required: Harry Gwala Hospital Regional. Please note that this quotation was published late. 源: ONLINE TENDERS