MARCHE MIXTE POUR LA CONCEPTION, LA CONSTRUCTION, LA MAINTENANCE ET L’EXPLOITATION D"UN RESEAU DE CHALEUR DU QUARTIER KUEBEBIERG Le quartier Kuebebierg de 33 ha au Kirchberg proposera à terme plus de 3.000 logements pour accueillir plus de 7.000 habitants, des équipements publics et des surfaces mixtes. Le Pouvoir Adjudicateur souhaite faire réaliser et opérer un réseau de chaleur à l’échelle du quartier Kuebebierg (le Réseau) au moyen de la conclusion d’un contrat DBMO. Le contrat DBMO constitue un marché mixte comprenant : 1. Un marché public de travaux portant sur la conception et la réalisation du réseau de chaleur 2. Une concession de services portant sur la maintenance et l’exploitation du Réseau (投標 №86684126cn)


國家: Luxembourg
語言: LU
數: 86684126
出版日期: 30-06-2023





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Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery and installation of static waste compactor and all associated auxiliaries for Mount Edgecombe Transfer Station: Cleansing & Solid Waste and Water & Sanitation Units. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Farm agriculture equipment. Specifications: Supply, delivery and Offloading at the Dundee Research Station: - Blower Wheel (Fan): Compatible to a Massey Ferguson planter 555, Qty: 2; - Hydraulic Motor for blower wheel: Compatible to a Massey Ferguson planter 555, Qty: 1; - Slip clutch disc 98 x 160mm: Compatible to a Falcon Hay maker, Qty: 24; - Tatu Tips & roll pin: Compatible to no-till planter, Qty: 16. Delivery Address: Dundee Research Station, Endumeni, Umzinyathi. Please note that this quotation was published late. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Control Services - Pretoria. The National Library of South Africa seeks to appoint an experienced service provider to provide Integrated Pest Management Control on its Pretoria Campus located at 228 Johannes Ramokhoase Street, Pretoria Central. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appoint a service provider to maintain mechanical equipment. Scope of Work: 1) 10 X A23-C14568 Water Separating Feu, 2) 10 X 6p3-Ws24a-02 Element Filter, 3) 10 X 6d8-Ws24a-00 Element Filter (Wit), 4) 2 X 5l Salt Away. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Frame Work contract for Local Purchase of Medicines/Surgical/Disposable Items 源: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Apparel supply 源: Club of Mozambique