Beta-blocking agents (№21142)


數: 21142

國家: Poland

源: TED








  1. Section I. Contracting authority
    1. Name, addresses and contact point(s)
      Uniwersyteckie Centrum Kliniczne
      ul. Dębinki 7
      Contact point(s): 80-952
      For the attention of: Marta Jurczak-Serdacka
      Telephone: +48 583492238
      E-mail: [email protected]
      Fax: +48 583492074
      Internet address(es):
      General address:

    2. Type of the contracting authority

      Other: samodzielny publiczny zakład opieki zdrowotnej
    3. Main activity
    4. Contract award on behalf of other contracting authorities
      The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: no
  2. Section II. Object of the contract
    1. Description
      1. Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority

        Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK.

      2. Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of performance
        Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance:

        Apteka Zamawiającego.

      3. Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
      4. Short description of the contract or purchase(s)

        1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK na okres 12 miesięcy

        w ilości, asortymencie oraz wymaganiach określonych w Załączniku nr 6 do SIWZ.

        2. W ramach pozycji oznaczonych w formularzu asortymentowo-cenowym symbolem (**)

        w załączniku nr 6 do SIWZ Zamawiający wymaga, aby zaoferowany preparat znajdował się

        w katalogu leków refundowanych stosowanych w chemioterapii / katalogu refundowanych stosowanych w programach lekowych.

        3. Zamawiający dopuszcza składanie ofert częściowych. Pod pojęciem oferty częściowej rozumie się pojedyncze pozycje ustalone w załączniku nr 6 do SIWZ. Wykonawca może złożyć ofertę na jedną lub kilka pozycji.

        4. Zamawiający nie wyraża zgody na dokonywanie zmiany Załączniku nr 6 do SIWZ – formularz asortymentowo – cenowy pod rygorem odrzucenia.

        5. Zamawiający w formularzu asortymentowo-cenowym określił sposób pakowania. W pozycjach, w których brak jest takiego opisu Wykonawca może zaoferować dowolny sposób pakowania. Wykonawca musi wycenić zaproponowany sposób pakowania przy odpowiednim przeliczeniu. W powyżej opisanym przypadku Zamawiający wyraża zgodę na dokonywanie zmian w Załączniku nr 6 do SIWZ formularz asortymentowo-cenowy w kolumnie ilość (możliwość dodania nowej kolumny z podaniem proponowanego przeliczenia) oraz kolumnie jedn. miary. Zamawiający informuje, iż załączony do oferty załącznik nr 6 do SIWZ – Formularz asortymentowo – cenowy może zawierać wyłącznie pozycie/części na które Wykonawca składa ofertę.

        6. Zamawiający dopuszcza złożenie oferty równoważnej w zakresie Części 1 pozycja 20, 22, 23, 28, 39, 128, 138, 142. Zamawiający informuje, że wszelkie nazwy własne użyte w opisie przedmiotu zamówienia, określa wymagany standard zamawianego asortymentu. Zgodnie z art. 29 ust. 3 ustawy Zamawiający dopuszcza składanie ofert o równoważnych parametrach jakościowych, posiadające identyczny skład chemiczny w zakresie podstawowych substancji. Dowód spełnienia warunku równoważności spoczywa na Wykonawcy.

        7. Dostawy będą następować sukcesywnie, w ilości i asortymencie, zgodnie z zamówieniami częściowymi Zamawiającego w terminie do 2 dni od daty otrzymania zamówienia.

        8. Zamawiający nie dopuszcza składania ofert wariantowych.

        9. Zamawiający nie przewiduje udzielenia zamówień uzupełniających.

        10. Zamawiający wymaga aby ceny leków zaoferowanych były nie wyższe niż ceny urzędowe, określone a art. 9 ust. 1 i 2 ustawy z dnia 12.5.2011 roku refundacji leków środków spożywczych specjalnego przeznaczenia żywieniowego oraz wyrobów medycznych (Dz.U. 11.122.696), obowiązujące na dzień składania ofert.

      5. Common procurement vocabulary (CPV):
        33622600, 33141540, 33630000, 33661400, 33651100, 33600000
      6. Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA):
        The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): no
    2. Total final value of contract(s):
      1. Total final value of contract(s):
        Value: 13 722 235.29 PLN
        Excluding VAT
  3. Section IV. Procedure
    1. Type of procedure
      1. Type of procedure
    2. Award criteria
      1. Award criteria
        The most economically advantageous tender in terms of
        1. Cena. Weighting: 60
        2. Termin dostawy. Weighting: 40
      2. Information about electronic auction
        An electronic auction will be used: no
    3. Administrative information
      1. File reference number attributed by the contracting authority


      2. Previous publication(s) concerning the same contract
        Contract notice
        Notice number in the OJEU: 2016/S 173-311393 of 08.09.2016
        Other previous publications
        Notice number in the OJEU: 2016/S 198-357136 of 13.10.2016
  4. Section V. Award of contract
      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 1 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 1

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 244.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 425.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 2 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 2

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 487.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 765.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 4 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 4

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 2
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Lek S.A. ul. Podlipie 16 95-010 Stryków

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 5 340.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 4 302.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 5 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 5

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 2
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Salus International Sp. z o.o. ul. Pułaskiego 9 40-273 Katowice

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 939.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 704.00 PLN
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 6 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 6

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 9 570.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 7 694.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 7 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 7

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Asclepios S.A. ul.Hubska 44 50-502 Wrocław

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 116 250.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 104 120.25 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 8 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 8

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 57.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 276.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 9 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 9

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 572.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 1 810.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 10 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 10

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 7
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 5 057.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 1 071.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 11 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 11

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Centrala Farmaceutyczna „Cefarm” S.A. ul. Jana Kazimierza 16 01-248 Warszawa

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 29 137.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 27 735.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 12 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 12

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Asclepios S.A. ul.Hubska 44 50-502 Wrocław

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 216 562.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 188 986.95 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 13 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 13

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 8
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 9 090.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 3 228.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 14 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 14

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 1 273.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 1 061.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 15 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 15

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 40 040.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 29 304.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 16 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 16

      1. Date of contract award decision

      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 14 140.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 10 374.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 17 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 17

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Pfizer Trading Polska Sp. z o.o. ul. Postępu 17b 02-676 Warszawa

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 167 632.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 94 127.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 18 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 18

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Pfizer Trading Polska Sp. z o.o. ul. Postępu 17b 02-676 Warszawa

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 418 950.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 235 281.25 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 19 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 19

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Salus International Sp. z o.o. ul. Pułaskiego 9 40-273 Katowice

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 37 030.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 25 500.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 20 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 20

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 1 028.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 1 168.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 21 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 21

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 3 969.60 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 3 164.80 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 24 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 24

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Centrala Farmaceutyczna „Cefarm” S.A. ul. Jana Kazimierza 16 01-248 Warszawa

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 917 280.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 896 896.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 25 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 25

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 5
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 7 989.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 6 358.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 26 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 26

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: PGF Urtica Sp. z o.o. ul. Krzemieniecka 120 54-613 Wrocław i Polska Grupa Farmaceutyczna S.A.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 51 240.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 41 118.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 28 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 28

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 4 470.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 3 405.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 29 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 29

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Salus International Sp. z o.o. ul. Pułaskiego 9 40-273 Katowice

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 3 175.20 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 3 145.20 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 30 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 30

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 6
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 950.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 660.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 31 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 31

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 5
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 3 353.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 3 290.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 32 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 32

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 431.40 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 328.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 33 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 33

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 575.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 410.20 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 34 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 34

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Salus International Sp. z o.o. ul. Pułaskiego 9 40-273 Katowice

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 316.15 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 243.05 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 35 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 35

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 6
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 6 600.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 3 300.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 36 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 36

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: PGF Urtica Sp. z o.o. ul. Krzemieniecka 120 54-613 Wrocław i Polska Grupa Farmaceutyczna S.A.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 51 750.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 44 145.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 37 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 37

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 2
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Salus International Sp. z o.o. ul. Pułaskiego 9 40-273 Katowice

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 23 850.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 19 209.60 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 38 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 38

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Salus International Sp. z o.o. ul. Pułaskiego 9 40-273 Katowice

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 636.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 842.40 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 39 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 39

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Centrala Farmaceutyczna „Cefarm” S.A. ul. Jana Kazimierza 16 01-248 Warszawa

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 37 500.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 34 500.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 40 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 40

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 6
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Centrala Farmaceutyczna „Cefarm” S.A. ul. Jana Kazimierza 16 01-248 Warszawa

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 14 172.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 9 540.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 41 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 41

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Sanofi-Aventis Sp. z o.o. ul. Bonifraterska 17 00-203 Warszawa

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 9 900.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 8 099.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 42 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 42

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Sanofi-Aventis Sp. z o.o. ul. Bonifraterska 17 00-203 Warszawa

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 15 440.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 11 000.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 43 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 43

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 2
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Sanofi-Aventis Sp. z o.o. ul. Bonifraterska 17 00-203 Warszawa

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 2 310.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 1 500.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 44 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 44

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Salus International Sp. z o.o. ul. Pułaskiego 9 40-273 Katowice

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 1 269.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 1 378.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 45 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 45

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 5
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Centrala Farmaceutyczna „Cefarm” S.A. ul. Jana Kazimierza 16 01-248 Warszawa

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 87 420.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 77 847.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 46 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 46

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 1 010.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 809.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 47 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 47

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Hurtownia Farmaceutyczna ISMED Sp. J. ul. Szczygla 7 05-402 Otwock

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 256 496.76 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 185 482.80 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 48 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 48

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Hurtownia Farmaceutyczna ISMED Sp. J. ul. Szczygla 7 05-402 Otwock

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 59 849.28 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 43 279.32 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 49 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 49

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Hurtownia Farmaceutyczna ISMED Sp. J. ul. Szczygla 7 05-402 Otwock

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 641 242.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 463 707.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 50 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 50

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Hurtownia Farmaceutyczna ISMED Sp. J. ul. Szczygla 7 05-402 Otwock

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 89 773.92 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 64 919.04 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 51 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 51

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Amgen Sp. z o.o. ul. Domaniewska 50 02-672 Warszawa i Nettle S.A.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 317 760.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 303 360.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 52 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 52

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Centrala Farmaceutyczna „Cefarm” S.A. ul. Jana Kazimierza 16 01-248 Warszawa

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 3 098.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 2 447.80 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 53 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 53

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 6
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: PGF Urtica Sp. z o.o. ul. Krzemieniecka 120 54-613 Wrocław i Polska Grupa Farmaceutyczna S.A.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 57 000.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 26 700.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 54 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 54

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 82.80 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 114.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 55 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 55

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 860.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 633.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 56 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 56

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 7
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 886.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 86.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 57 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 57

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 7
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 1 773.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 152.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 58 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 58

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 5
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 4 610.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 2 252.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 59 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 59

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Roche Polska Sp. z o.o. ul. Domaniewskiego 39B 02-672 Warszawa

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 2 992 500.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 2 334 270.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 60 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 60

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 33 600.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 27 312.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 61 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 61

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 596.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 486.40 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 62 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 62

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 838.60 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 693.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 63 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 63

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 2
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 7 632.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 6 185.60 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 64 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 64

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 23 232.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 41 136.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 65 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 65

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 5
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 1 120.70 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 1 057.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 66 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 66

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 2
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: PGF Urtica Sp. z o.o. ul. Krzemieniecka 120 54-613 Wrocław i Polska Grupa Farmaceutyczna S.A.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 106 400.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 104 880.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 67 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 67

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: PGF Urtica Sp. z o.o. ul. Krzemieniecka 120 54-613 Wrocław i Polska Grupa Farmaceutyczna S.A.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 199 950.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 157 531.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 68 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 68

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Fresenius Kabi Polska Sp. z o.o. ul. Hrubieszowska 2 01-209 Warszawa

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 28 000.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 15 600.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 69 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 69

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 6
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: PGF Urtica Sp. z o.o. ul. Krzemieniecka 120 54-613 Wrocław i Polska Grupa Farmaceutyczna S.A.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 6 030.00 EUR
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 3 290.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 70 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 70

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 160.60 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 722.40 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 71 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 71

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Salus International Sp. z o.o. ul. Pułaskiego 9 40-273 Katowice

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 160.60 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 255.20 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 72 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 72

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 5
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 507.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 531.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 73 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 73

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 5
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 1 778.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 934.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 74 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 74

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 305.80 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 234.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 75 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 75

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 5
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Centrala Farmaceutyczna „Cefarm” S.A. ul. Jana Kazimierza 16 01-248 Warszawa

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 2 800.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 1 992.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 79 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 79

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 2 800.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 1 528.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 80 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 80

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 5
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Centrala Farmaceutyczna „Cefarm” S.A. ul. Jana Kazimierza 16 01-248 Warszawa

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 1 140.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 680.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 81 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 81

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 2
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: PGF Urtica Sp. z o.o. ul. Krzemieniecka 120 54-613 Wrocław i Polska Grupa Farmaceutyczna S.A.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 2 448.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 1 809.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 82 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 82

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 712.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 774.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 83 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 83

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum firm: Farmacol S.A. ul. Rzepakowa 2 40-541 Katowice i Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 2 002.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 1 432.50 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 84 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 84

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Neuca S.A. ul. Szosa Bydgoska 58 87-100 Toruń

      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 444.00 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 335.20 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: Dostawa produktów leczniczych dla UCK Lot No: 85 - Lot title:

      Pozycja 85

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract awar