Remont pomieszczeń piwnicznych oraz stropu pod parkingiem oraz dostosowanie instalacji wewnętrznej centralnego ogrzewania dla nowego węzła cieplnego w Miejskiej Przychodni Specjalistycznej w Toruniu (投標 №106798858cn)


國家: Poland
語言: PL
數: 106798858
出版日期: 01-07-2024





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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Board Evaluation. Scope of services required: Procuring the services of a service provider to facilitate the evaluation of the performance of the SAA Group Boards and committees for the 2023/2024 financial year namely: 1. South African Airways SOC Ltd (SAA); 2. SAA Technical SOC Ltd (SAA Technical or SAAT); 3. Air Chefs SOC Ltd (Air Chefs); 4. Audit, Risk and Governance Committee (ARGCO); 5. Social, Ethics and Nominations Committee (SENCO); 6. Finance and Investment Committee (FINCO); 7. Remuneration and Human Resources Committee (REMCO). The Scope of work will entail: • Developing questionnaires that will be used in the evaluation. • Distribution of the questionnaires to the members of the Board using online functionality for ease-of-use and to enable the archiving of results. • Collation of the completed questionnaires from the Board members. • Face to face interviews with all the members of the Board. • Evaluation of each board, its committees, its chairperson and the chairpersons of the committees, and the individual directors (including the executive directors). • Evaluation of the nature and strength of the relationships between the shareholder, the board and the executive management team, including a peer review. • Interpretation of the feedback and submission of respective reports. • Presentation of the reports to the respective boards. • Provide practical and well thought through recommendations to guide the Board with the development of board improvement plans emanating from the findings of the Board evaluation to address the areas of development identified in the board evaluation. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of alarm monitoring and armed response at various municipal buildings in Theewaterskloof Municipality from date of appointment until 31 December 2024. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Comprehensive parcel tracking solution for SANBS from point of collection to point of delivery. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Modernizacja infrastruktury sanitarnej , etap II; Odtworzenie historycznego wyglądu głównego holu w części willowej Muzeum Przyrody – Dwór Lutosławskich w Drozdowie 源:

ZP/PN/2023/11 - leki 源:

Konarzewo: budowa pumptracku na działce 562/15 源: