Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy (投標 №75593343cn)


國家: Poland
語言: EN PL
數: 75593343
出版日期: 13-01-2023





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Written, signed quotations are hereby awaited for supply and delivery v.o.s. Carnarvon of 750 X 40 kg bags of cold tar. Please note that this quotation was published in Afrikaans. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Expressions of interest are hereby invited for the following: Offshore Wind Roadmap for South Africa. The objective of this assignment is to provide balanced, unbiased strategic analysis and advice on the role that offshore wind could play in South Africa"s medium- and long-term energy mix, analysis on the key opportunities and challenges, and recommendations on next steps in terms of policy formulation, planning and developing bankable projects. The scope of work comprises two main activities; • The development of a Roadmap Study which outlines the potential role that offshore wind could play in South Africa’s future energy mix, further analysis on the areas of South Africa’s waters suitable for offshore wind development, the potential costs and economic benefits, the key issues that would need to be addressed through technical and environmental studies, the responsible agencies and permitting procedures, any policy or regulatory changes that would be required to facilitate offshore wind deployment, and recommendations on next steps; • A desk-based, preliminary study on options for pathfinder projects shall consider in more detail favorable development areas in South Africa’s waters (identified by the Consultant in the geospatial work within the Roadmap activities). This work will provide advice on practical next steps the Government of South Africa could take to develop the identified areas which shall include advice on options for procurement strategy (i.e. models for awarding project concessions), the level of de-risking activities that could be commissioned by the government, and options for concessional financing of the pathfinder project. The Consultant shall develop TOR for the recommended studies which may include feasibility studies and site investigations. The expected level of effort is roughly equally split between these two main activities. The Consultant will be provided with the ESMAP Scoping Study as well as the data inventory generated by CSIR; both of these are expected to inform work on the above activities. The assignment is structured into five tasks. Assignment Country: • ZA - South Africa. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Police uniforms 源: TED

Architectural and related services 源: TED

Office-support services 源: TED

Microscopes 源: TED