portail des Marchec publics: 招標. 頁 № 8


總投標: 863

只: 257
03 feb
The purpose of this tender is the provision of portfolio management services on behalf of Fonds de compensation commun au régime général de pension (FDC), which set up an umbrella investment company with variable capital - specialised investment fund in 2007 (in accordance with the amended law of 13 February 2007 on specialised investment funds). The tender is divided into five (5) lots, each lot covering a specific asset class and a specific type of management. The total number of mandates to be awarded is five (5), one per lot. The amount of assets of the different mandates is indicative only and may vary during the execution of the mandates. The term of a mandate shall be three (3) consecutive years with the possibility of renewal from year to year except in the event of early termination by FDC or the awarded tenderer by means of a three months’ notice. The maximum duration of a mandate shall be ten (10) years. Proposals will be selected on the basis of the economically most advantageous proposal. The detailed selection and evaluation criteria of proposals, the main stages of this tender as well as any other terms and conditions relating to this tender are specified in the Tendering Procedure and Guidelines, which can be downloaded from the public procurement portal (www.marches-publics.lu). FDC may assign one or more stand-by mandates. The definition and characteristics of a stand-by mandate are set out in section 2.5 of the Tendering Procedure and Guidelines. (LU) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: portail des Marchec publics

數: 77081964

國家: Luxembourg

源: portail des Marchec publics

28 jan
The scope of the tendering procedure is to find a group of consultants or technical experts, which have the right knowledge and technical expertise to elaborate and define the next generation PPDR network for Luxembourg. The State of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is seeking out the right strategy for the coming years to deploy such a network, taking the Luxemburgish ecosystem into consideration. To be in a good position to realise this, the State needs a feasibility study for the next generation PPDR network. This study should be used in the future as a basis or reference for the next steps. The study should draw a picture of the future communication system, including the technical network design. On the other hand, it should elaborate on the possibility for the State to manage or operate the network in the most secure and economically reasonable way. Therefore the study shall highlight 3 different operational models, each with its own cost model, and propose the most suitable model for Luxembourg. The study should also treat the question about the right frequencies for PPDR needs. That is to say, which frequencies are suitable for such a network and which frequencies are available based on European standards and regulations in Luxembourg? Ideally, the network shall be based upon the latest possible technology for PPDR such as 4G/5G. A roadmap for its rollout and an outlook, based on forecasted technology changes, shall be elaborated to give the State a clear outlook on future challenges. The details of the questions to be tackled in the study can be found in the statement of work in chapter 2 of this tender specification. The final goal of this study should be, that its outcome will show everything needed by the Contracting Authority to be able to start one or more public procurement processes for a new PPDR network for data and voice services for Luxembourg and define the next steps. (LU) 添加到收藏夾
顧客: portail des Marchec publics

數: 76649129

國家: Luxembourg

源: portail des Marchec publics