Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Rental of office plants for both interior and exterior for 18 months. Specifications: 1. Main entrance: - 3 large square Range; - Dark grey/Charcoal; - With stocks or Protea Wire beads. 2. Reception: - Desk bowl; - Lime vase; - With Bonzai plant. 3. Reception - front desk left corner: - Lime vase (to match the desk bowl); - Bamboo plant. 4. Waiting area in reception: - Pastel yellow/lemon vases (2). 5. Main boardroom: a. Vases for corners (2): - Clear with white inside vase OR (Octave fibre glass); - Dracaena Massangeana plant; b. East wall: - Division Trough; - With the snake plant. 6. The two-in-one boardrooms: - Concrete finish vases (NC029-acube) - 850mm; - Dracaena Glauca Plant. 7. Outside the boardrooms: - NC032-R0800-074 OTIS - lightly decorated container/vase (3-5); - Aloe Vera plant. 8. Vaes for the first floor: - Use the set of vases you identified in different colours - lime, red, maroon, lemon, black, white in different places throughout the floor; - NC032-Twist-001 Acone with aluminum collar; - N032-R0910-005 Salt and Pepper; - The one with a round opening. 9. Facing the stairs from block C entrance: - A big plant; - Plant not specified. 10. Corner from ICT side towards F&SCM/HCM: - Plant (not specified). 11. ICT corner: - Plant (not specified). 12. Servery: - Flat vase - NC015-D0210-Moon desk bowl. - Red. 13. Against the blue light pillar: - NC029-TROUG-002 Cube Quadriga Trogh; - Plant not specified. 14. Waiting area next to boardrooms: - 2 Vases with plants; - Plants not specified. 15. Boardrooms: - 2 Plants each; - Plants not specified. Required at: 37 General Van Ryneveld Street, Persequor, Technopark, Pretoria, 0020. Please note that this quotation was published late. (投標 №100023301cn)


國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 100023301
出版日期: 21-02-2024





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