Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Implementation of the SAP technical upgrade and database preparation project for Transnet Engineering, Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) at Koedoespoort for a once off period. (投標 №104269937cn)


國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 104269937
出版日期: 13-05-2024





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Re-advertisement: Stellenbosch Local Municipality invites tenders for the following: Construction of the Stellenbosch 10ml reservoir, bulk water supply and associated works. Scope of work: Construction of a new above ground 10ML reinforced concrete reservoir, approximately 5km long buried HDPE rising main ranging in size from DN250mm to DN450mm, 154L/s pump station, and various below ground valve chambers. Environmental Authorisation measures are applicable to the project. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Strategic Fuel Fund invites tenders/proposals for a contractor to design, manufacture, deliver, install and commission four 8” surge relief valves at the oil jetty. Scope: - Size (Inches): 8”; - Size (DN): 200; - Pressure Class: 150#; - Material body and liner: ASTM A 2177 WCC; - Material cover plates and line flanges: ASTM A 2177 WCC; - End connections: Raised Face Flange 150 ANSI B16.10; - Working temperature: -40°C to 100°C; - Max Operating Differential: 83 bars; - Max Emergency Differential: 102 bars; - Control Range: 0 – 102 bars; - Tube Material: Nitrile; - Construction: PED certified; - Internal Coatings: Nickel plated; - External Coatings: Marine grade; - Product: Crude oil. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby requested for the following: Full maintenance and lease of forklifts (3 ton, 3.5 ton, 4 ton, 5 ton and 7 ton) forklifts to Transnet Engineering, manufacturing business Salt River Region, for three (3) years. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Garden Route, Overberg and Central Karoo: Various provincial buildings: Servicing of LP gas. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Centlec (SOC) Ltd, thereafter referred to as Centlec, an entity distributing electricity in Mangaung and other municipalities invites prospective service providers with a view to form a panel of service providers to provide electrical, civil and structural engineering and quantity surveyor services for a period of thirty-six (36) months. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Provision of Johannesburg Metro Core and CSIR Pretoria to Teraco Isando Dark Fibre Links for the South African National Research Network (SANReN). 源: ONLINE TENDERS