Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Hiring of sound system and stage for 2024-2025 state of the municipality address (IDP/budget speech) at Makhado Showground on the 14 June 2024. Specifications: Front of house, qty: 1: - 06 x JBL VRX LAP Line Array Powered; - 04 x JBL SRX 828 SP Subs Powered; - 04 JBL PRX 715 Stage Monitors; - All Power and Signal Cabling; - S1 Sound craft Digital Mixer; - 01 x Stage box. Backline equipment, qty: 1: - 01 x Tarma Imperial Drum Kit; - 01 x Hartke 3500 Bass Amplifier; - 02 x Marshall 120 Guitar Amplifier; - 01 x Roland RD 800 Electric Piano with 4 Stands; - 07 x Direct Injection Box; - 04 x Shure BLX Cordless Microphones; - 02 x Shure Hand Held (Lapel) Microphones; - 06 x Shure SM 58 Microphones (for Back Vocalists); - 08 x Piece Shure Drum Microphones; - All Cabling. Stage, qty: 1: - 08m x 6m 500 (12 Panels); - Skirting; - Stairs; - Construction and Dismantling. Stage Certificate, qty: 01. 4Kg Fire Extinguishers, qty: 05. 32cm TV Screens, qty: 03. Video Camera, qty: 01. Recorded Videos with Colour Covers, qty: 08. (投標 №105428888cn)

國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 105428888
出版日期: 03-06-2024





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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery and installation of sliding gate motors at fire and rescue station, Maquassi Hills for the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

The Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality invites SMME’s and other service providers within the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality to register and update information on Central Supplier Database (CSD) of the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality for financial year(s) 2023/2024 and 2024/2025. Please confirm the closing date and time as it was not published. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement of Contract Number SCM 072 / 2022-23: Formal written quotations are hereby invited from suitable services providers for the supply and delivery of Azure Cloud Platform subscription license to host municipal health system data. Specifications: - A resource group in Azure; - A function application that runs the seven functions that ties the system together; - A storage account that hosts the Ehlanzeni Health Lab applications; - A storage account that hosts the report function, that creates the various reports; - The application service plan which specifies the physical hosting plan for all the components; - Space: 4TB; - Speed: 2.7GB; - 64 GB Ram; - 16 Core per Server; - The validity of the license subscription should be for a period of twelve (12) month from activation date. Please confirm the contract number. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Reconstruction of fallen wall at Lillian Ngoyi Centre. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Hiring of tents, chairs and toilets for 2024-2025 state of the municipality address (IDP/Budget Speech) at Makhado Showground on the 14 June 2024. Scope: 1. Marquee Tent 30m x 20m (Main Tent to accommodate 1000 people) x 01; 2. Aloe Frame Tents 15m x 20m x 02; 3. Red Carpet Floor with Stanchion Rope 15m (for Marque Tent) x 01; 4. Carpet Floor (for Marquee and 2 Aloe Frame Tents) x 03; 5. 4kg Fire Extinguishers x 04; 6. Engineering Certificate for each Tent x 03; 7. Plastic Chairs x 700; 8. 2 in 1 VIP Toilet x 01; 9. Non-Flush Mobile Toilets x 06; 10. Disability Toilet x 01. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Renovation - waste water treatment plant (Trichardt). 源: ONLINE TENDERS