Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of various uniforms. Specifications: - Golf shirts for men, qty: 26; - Golf shirts for ladies, qty: 48; - Navy trousers for men, qty: 32; - Navy skirts for ladies", qty: 60; - White shirts for men, qty: 6; - White shirts for ladies, qty: 12; - Navy jerseys for men, qty: 11; - Navy jerseys for ladies, qty: 24; - Khaki dustcoats, qty: 11; - White dustcoats, qty: 34; - 2 Piece conti suits (overalls) Navy, qty: 28; - Parabellum shoe for ladies" size 7, qty: 1; - Shoe safety steel toe cap, qty: 21; - Reflective vests, qty: 12; - Conti trousers (overall type) navy, qty: 20; - Conti jackets (overall type) navy, qty: 20. Institution Name: Hillcrest Hospital. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department of entity: Department of Health. Division or section: Central Supply Chain Management. Place where goods/service is required: Hillcrest Hospital. (投標 №107347629cn)