Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a panel for taxi and bus transportation companies on a rotational basis for various Social Projects within the Bergrivier Municipal area for a period ending 30 June 2025. Scope: • Required: 7 seater, 15 seater, 22 seater, 32 seater and 60 seater bus. (投標 №108192747cn)


國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 108192747
出版日期: 28-07-2024





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COMUNE DI CASTEL SAN LORENZO - Concessione per la gestione dell"edificio comunale adibito a centro per anziani in via Generale Tommasini - CIG : B27D63A965 源: Comune di Bellizzi

COMUNE DI CONCA DEI MARINI - Concessione del servizio di gestione del cimitero comunale e dei servizi cimiteriali - CIG : B27518DC96 源: Comune di Bellizzi

COMUNE DI BELLIZZI - Concessione per l"accertamento e riscossione dei tributi locali e gestione delle quote residue - CIG : B285724B81 源: Comune di Bellizzi

COMUNE DI OLEVANO SUL TUSCIANO - Concessione per la gestione dell"impianto sportivo comunale denominato Palatusciano - CIG : B28A613ED8 源: Comune di Bellizzi

COMUNE DI BATTIPAGLIA - Lavori di completamento Stadio Pastena finalizzati all"agibilità dell"impianto sportivo - CIG : B289E1FEAF - CUP : B22H24005530004 源: Comune di Bellizzi

Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for events management company for Skills Engineering Career Expo. Specifications: Furniture – Exhibitors Room: • 3 x Seater couch x 1; • 2 x Seater couch x 1; • 1 x Seater couch x 1; • Ottomans x 3; • Coffee tables x 1; • High up cocktail - tables (silver topping) x 5; • High up cocktail chairs x 15; • Low tables with glass top (sits 3 people) x 3; • Occasional chairs for the (low tables) x 9. Furniture – Media Room: • One seater chair – occasional chairs x 4; • Coffee table (bigger size) x 1; • Side table x 3. Furniture - Exhibitors: • Rectangular foldable tables x 25; • Table cloths (black) x 25; • Wimbledon chairs x 32. Sound System: • PA System x 1; • Wireless microphones x 2; • High powered speakers x 2. Furniture - Supporting: • Stanchions with ropes (black) x 16; • Direction stands x 8. Ambulance Services: • Ambulance services for the 2 days (Ambulance, 2 operators) x 1. 源: ONLINE TENDERS