Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Grass cutting Group G at John Ross Highway, Knorhaanbaai and Mzingazi Village, Qty: 20. Scope: - The contractor is to engage in this service for the cutting, mowing, and maintenance of verges, public open spaces and recreational facilities, and surrounding areas, - Mow and trim edges of all verges and open spaces/parks (including servitude), - Contractors to mow and maintain verges to the height of 10 millimetres for the duration of the contract, - If no boundary is evident, then the verge is to be maintained to a width of 4m or to the boundary of the natural vegetation whichever is the lesser, - If there is a boundary wall of the property cut 4m along the street verge and 4 m along the boundary wall, - Any fallen branches, etc, are to be removed within the same day and disposed of at an approved waste disposal site, - Verges are to be raked of all leaf and debris and disposed of at an approved waste disposal site on the same day as work is undertaken where required (receipt from waste refuse site to be attached with an invoice), - All organic debris, cardboard or plastic containers, and litter, irrespective of the size found on site by the contractor shall be collected and disposed of in the designated landfill site, on the same day as the mowing being undertaken, - The contractor acknowledges that he has fully acquainted himself with the nature and extent of such areas, - No metal or steel blades are to be used. (投標 №108825150cn)


國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 108825150
出版日期: 08-08-2024





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