Formal Written Price Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of Professional Services to Coordinate the Mid-Year and Annual Performance Evaluations of the Municipal Manager and Managers Directly Accountable to the Municipal Manager. Scope: The preferred service provider will be expected to manage, coordinate, facilitate and assist with development/review and produce the following documents: - Facilitate and coordinate the formal 2023/2024 mid-year and 2022/2023 annual performance evaluations in accordance with Local Government: Municipal Systems Act: Regulation 805: Municipal Performance Regulations for Municipal Managers and Managers Directly Accountable to Municipal Managers, 2006 and Regulation 21: Regulations on appointment and conditions of employment of senior managers; - Facilitate the preparation of appropriate schedules and templates for the formal performance evaluations; - Advise the municipal manager and senior management on legal compliance, procedural and structural matters in line with the relevant regulations pertaining to the performance evaluations before and during the assessments; - Assess the Portfolios of Evidence prepared by each evaluate and advise on improvements in consultation with the municipality’s Internal Audit Unit; - Prepare a report on the outcomes of the Mid-year Performance Evaluation of the municipal manager and senior management; - Prepare a report on the outcomes of the Annual Performance Evaluation of the municipal manager and senior management. (投標 №110151435cn)