Expressions of Interest are hereby invited for the provision of Plumbing/Bathroom Revamp at 518 Alken Street, Constantia Park (Pretoria). Scope of work to include but not limited to: • Complete pipe work replacement, from water meter, throughout the residence; • All new pipe work to be done; • All Plumbing and associated to be replaced; • Sewer line; • Full renovations; (Pipe work, tile work, etc. full key turnover); • Master bathroom; • Bathroom 1; • Kitchen; • Staff kitchen and bathroom; • Installation of two heat pump geysers and circulation pumps. Please confirm the closing date and time as it was not published. (投標 №112754366cn)


國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 112754366
出版日期: 23-10-2024





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Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to facilitate Training on the Human Rights Toolkit for Traditional Leaders in KZN Province. Scope: The eight programmatic areas are: • Stigma and Discrimination Reduction; • Training of Health Workers; • Sensitization of Law makers and Law Enforcement Agents; • Legal literacy / Know your Rights campaigns; • Strengthen HIV-related Legal Support Services; • Monitoring and Reforming relevant Laws, Regulations and Policies; • Reducing gender discrimination and violence against women, including AGYW; • Community Mobilisation and Advocacy. District: KwaZulu-Natal - Zululand; Number of Participants: 40 Amakhosi & Izinduna; Date: 20 November 2024. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the Supply, Deliver and Install Rainwater Harvesting for Umzimvubu Local Municipality. Specifications: - 5,000 litre polypropylene rotomoulded rainwater tank and fixing to tank stand (elsewhere) with 4mm galvanized wire approximately 10m long complete with 15mm brass tap with handle suitable for padlock x 6; - Hole through top of tank lid for 10 x 75mm pipe x 6; - 1800 x 1800mm approximately 400mm high above the natural ground level tank stand built in 230mm SABS approved concrete brick wall with brick force in each and every course on 15MPa 400mm wide x 200mm thick concrete footing cast against excavated suitable soil condition surf tr., i.e., 04m of tank stand filled up with imported filling material compacted in 100mm layers to 98% Mod. AASHTO maximum density with 1800 x 1800mm x 100mm thick 20MPa concrete slab reinforced with Ref 195 mesh wire x 3; - PVC guttering fixed to the structure and pouring to the tanks. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for training on waste management for 50 EPWP participants. Specifications: • Preparation of the project layout and implementation plan for (50) EPWP participants; • Determination of specific activities applicable to waste management; • Organize learning material for the learners; • Provision of training to the learners; • Provision of interim and final assessment services to the learners; • Coaching and preparing learners for attaining the required standard of competency; • Issuing of certificates to successful trainees; • Provide the right quality of training and learning which is completely aligned to the standards recognized by the relevant Education and Training Quality Assurance (ETQA). The service provider should also cover the following: • Introduction to integrated waste management; • Legal requirements; • Planning; • The responsibilities of handling waste throughout the material cycle in terms of National Environmental Management Act: Waste Act, No. 59 of 2008: - What is Waste, Impacts of Waste, Waste Legislation, Waste Hierarchy and Circular Economy, Waste as a Resource, Handling of Waste Throughout the Lifecycle; • Landfill site Management; • Occupational Health and safety. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for O R Tambo and Sithembiso Stanford Madikizela Commemoration. Please note that this quotation was published late. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Suitably prospective service providers are invited to quote for the supply and delivery of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Specifications: - 12 x Branded work tops (Johnson workwear or equivalent); - 12 x Work pants (Johnson workwear or equivalent); - 12 x Safety boots; - 12 x Branded cricket sun hats. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the provision of medical surveillance for 63 officials. Purpose of the surveillance programme: a) To perform a physical medical examination (in line with NFPA 1582) on candidates before being appointed in the Fire Dept. Scope: Periodic Medical Examination: 1. Physical examination with urine analysis and 5 strip multidrug test which includes (Methamphetamines, amphetamines, opioids, THC, Cocaine, MDMA), 2. Laboratory: 2.1. Random Blood Glucose if Glucosuria, 2.2. Other tests on indication only, 3. Immunization: 3.1. Hepatitis B: booster every 5 years, 3.2. Tetanus toxoid: booster every 10 years, 4. Vision screening, 5. Audiometry: 5.1. Screening Audiogram (noise zone), 6. Spirometry/Lung function Test, 7. Chest X-Ray: only on clinical indication, 8. Stress ECG (treadmill): 8.1. All operational and ECC/SSC personnel. Delivery Period: Must be completed before or on 13 December 2024. 源: ONLINE TENDERS