Tenders are hereby invited from Engineering Consultants, experienced in Roadworks, to provide professional services for the Upgrade of Main Road 75 (P75/2 from km 5.00 to km 20.437 and P75/3 from km 0.00 to km 5.43). This project is located in the Umdoni and uMzumbe Local Municipality under the Ugu District Municipality in the Durban Region. The total duration of the project is 54 months. The duration allowed for is to achieve all 6 Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) Normal Fee Services stages. (投標 №114004328cn)


國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 114004328
出版日期: 13-11-2024





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Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of the service provider for Purchase and Testing of an Artificial Intelligence Site Capture Solution (hardware and software) for the enhancement of M&E’S Function in the monitoring of projects. Scope: The client is seeking an AI Site Capture Solution that can address the following key areas: • Digital record of site: Cloud-based solution that uses high-resolution 360 degrees images to capture and document site conditions; • Real-Time Data Capture: Solution that enable near real-time data capture and the monitoring of site progress at each stage of construction; • Cost Efficiency: Solution that can significantly reduce the costs associated with physical site verification and documentation; • Integration with Existing Systems: Compatibility of the AI site capture solution with our current M&E systems and processes mostly on ArcGIS and Power BI; • Accountability: Ability of the solution to accommodate multiple users and keep them accountable to the information provided by them; • User-friendly: Solution should be easy to adopt and the 360 degrees images should be automatically pinned to plans; • Processing and Outputs: Ability to process large images at efficient speeds as well as the generating of reports to share relevant information with stakeholders; • Secure Storage: Solution should allow for the long-term secure storage and accessibility of sensitive information. Only people with required authorization should be allowed to access information. The proposed solution will be piloted on randomly selected operational projects across the various provinces: • Limpopo: Vingekraal Top Structures; • Eastern Cape: Mdantsane Top Structures; • Western Cape: Forest Village Top Structures; • Free State: Vista Park III Military Vets Top Structures; • KwaZulu-Natal: Astia Building Temporary Emergency Area. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Written price quotations are hereby invited from suitable and capable service providers for the supply and delivery of lightning conductors for the client. Specifications: - Lightning conductors (12m high, radius: 80m), - Qty: 30. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of service provider to Provide Cleaning Services for a period of 12 months at Willowvale Health Centre, Amathole Health District, Eastern Cape Province. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written quotations are hereby invited for the provision of shuttle services. Scope: The successful bidder is expected to perform 24-hour shuttle services as follows: • Provide shuttle services for Members, guests and staff within the boundaries of the Western Cape; • Provide shuttle services to and from Cape Town International Airport for Members and Staff as and when required; • Provide shuttle services for Members, guests and staff with disabilities on specialized vehicles; • Transport Members, guests and staff in accordance with the instructions as contained in the official order. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of an experienced service provider for the provision of e-signatures for three hundred (300) licences for the duration of twelve (12) months. Scope: Provision of an E-signature solution specifically tailored for 300 users within the clients organization. This E-signature solution will empower individuals across various departments to sign documents electronically, significantly improving the efficiency of the document management processes. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited to Conduct Forensic Investigation of 35 Identified Irregular Expenditure Cases in the SCM Environment. The project scope for the bidders will be as follows: - Review and assess all relevant documentation relating to each case; - Provide an engagement letter detailing the approach, timelines, costs and contact meetings to conclude the assignment within six (6) weeks from award; - Determine the cause and reasons for the irregular expenditure; - Determine whether any irregularities took place; - Determine whether the irregular expenditure could have been prevented and/or be prevented in future; - Where possible, establish accountability for the irregular expenditure; - Recommend the implementation of appropriate remedial measures where deficiencies are identified; - Obtain, analyse, interpret and document information (including interviews where required) to support the outcomes of the investigations; - Present the report(s) to the Loss Control Committee, when required. 源: ONLINE TENDERS