Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fleet: Light and Medium Vehicle Spares: Supply and deliver spares: Supply of pollen filter, qty: 1 each. Specifications: - Repairs to be done or Specification of the product; - Service: Type of vehicle and the model: VW Polo Vivo 1.4 AK 2018; - Registration no: CCT33919; - Vin no: AAVZZZ6RZJU011231; - Mileage: Notification no: 902152824. Delivery date: 2024/12/13. Please note that this quotation was published late. (投標 №115531399cn)


國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 115531399
出版日期: 06-12-2024





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Шийдвэр гүйцэтгэх ажиллагааны "Цахим бүртгэл хяналтын систем"-ийн шинэчлэлтийн ажил 源: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply, delivery and installation of indoor wheelchair stair lift. Specifications: • The vertical platform-lift for lifting heights up to 4m. For convenient use by the elderly or handicapped, occupying minimum space for a simple retrofitting without structural modification or additional building work. The model is without shaft structure and with open cabin for a minimal visual obstruction to be well integrated into the architectural background of the area. A robust double chain drive system to ensure a reliable performance of the lift, even in cold winter conditions and to reduce the need for maintenance to a minimum; • Must be able to lift to 4m lifting height; • Smooth and stable drive; • Drive tower to be mounted in 1 piece for a fast and simple installation; • Must have a reliable and safe double-chain drive; • Option with glass shaft; • Entry-exit in line (Enter one side exit opposite side); • RAL colour or stainless steel (Quote on both - most affordable option will be chosen); • Must have an automatic gate opener; • Platform preference sizes: Length:1400mm, Width: 1100 mm; • Supply and install new curved wheelchair stair lift 180 bottom parking and 90 bottom parking, right hand; • Safety sensors to check for obstruction; • 2 remote controls to call or send lift up and down the staircase; • Slim line fold away design to allow maximum access to the lift; • A power unit that allows the Stair lift to work even if there is a power cut. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited from service providers to conduct a request for the appointment of a suitable service provider to provide minute taking services for a period of five (5) years. Specifications: • Recording of board and board committee minutes: - Board; - Board EXCO; - Governance and Strategy (G & S); - Audit and Risk; - Finance and HR; - Chamber committee meetings; - Board Assessment Workshops; - Strategic Plan Session; - Annual General Meeting (AGM); - Executive and Management Meetings (EMM); • Transcribing of recordings of board and board committee meetings; • Circulating minutes of meetings as duly directed; • Drafting action reports arising from minutes of a meeting; • Ensure that approved minutes are signed by authorized persons and archived accordingly; • The service provider will be expected to submit the recordings to TETA after each and every meeting; • Expected to submit minutes within 5-7 days from the date of the meeting; • Expected to include Board Resolution Register in each set of Minutes. Estimated Total Number of Meetings per year: 60 meetings. Estimated Total Number of Ad-hoc Meetings per year: 13 meetings. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the Appointment of a Service Provider to Conduct Financial Literacy Edutainment Services on Consumer Education and Awareness at Primary Schools, Secondary Schools, Tertiary Institutions, Shopping Malls, and Taxi Ranks in all 11 Districts of KwaZulu-Natal for a Period of 4 Months. Scope of Work: i. Under the guidance and supervision of the KZN CPS Provincial Consumer Education Managers and District Consumer Education Officers, the service provider will assist the CPS in the development and production of the edutainment content on consumer education and awareness themes which will be played out in public by professional actors with previous practical working experience on consumer education and awareness; ii. The financial literacy edutainment consumer awareness programme will cover all 11 eleven KZN districts per month for a period of 4 months. This will include the following services: I. A 60 minutes financial literacy consumer education and awareness skit and play by professional artists/actors for a period of 4 months from the date of appointment; II. Consumer awareness and education programmes to educate consumers of their consumer rights on various themed campaigns; III. Four (4) financial literacy edutainment programmes for primary, secondary and tertiary institutions per district per month; IV. Three (3) edutainment campaigns targeting adult consumers at shopping malls, taxi ranks and events per month; V. One (1) financial literacy consumer education and awareness workshop targeting minimum of 50 consumers per month. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement of contract number: 8088/03/06/2024. Expressions of Interest are hereby invited for the provision of four (04) service providers for rendering of external psychometric assessments for a period of five (05) years on an Ad hoc basis to the client. Scope: - The objective of conducting psychometric tests is to provide specialist information in support of managerial decision making, by improving the accuracy of decisions regarding the selection, talent management, promotion and development, career planning, etc. of candidates. The assessments will be aligned to the client values and a specific job description for different positions to assess the level of suitability of the potential candidate. This process will also ensure that a candidate possesses the amount of skill and cognitive ability to perform the duties of a job/role they are considered for, using relevant batteries appropriate for different levels. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Catering: Recreation festival. Specifications: Breakfast Packs: Prepacked Breakfast packs consisting of 2 Slice Tuna Mayo with garnish, seed loaf. Sandwich packed in triangular sandwich container + banana, 100g yogurt (various flavours), plastic spoon, serviette and jumbo muffin (vacuum packed) Please note that this quotation was published late. 源: ONLINE TENDERS