Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of stationery for Enyenyezi Campus. Specifications: - A4 lever arch files black x 200, - A4 plastic pocket sleeves 60-micron x 300, - 1-12 packs of file dividers x 70, - Jan-Dec file dividers x 20, - Boxes white board markers- 5 boxes green, 25 black, 20 blue) box of 12 x 50, - Flash drive USB 2.0g x 10, - Highlighter (25 green, 25 blue, 25 yellow & 25 orange) x 100, - Box A3 paper – white x 1, - Envelopes, C3 box x 4, - Envelopes, C4 box x 3, - 100 sheets exam pads x 60, - Pens - black (units) x 200, - Pens - red (units) x 200, - Pens - green (units) x 60, - Roller ball pens black x 40, - Prestik 100g x 30, - Sticky notes 76mm x 76mm x 50, - Boxes of staples 26/6 x 50, - Boxes of paper clips 100 pieces 33mm x 20, - Packs manila folders-100 per pack (2 yellow, 2 pink & 2 blue) x 6, - Giant stapler (heavy duty) x 1, - Boxes of staples for giant stapler x 10, - Glue stick 43g x 20, - Big puncher x 1, - Boxes of colour cardboards A4 and A3 size x 2. Delivery to: Enyenyezi Campus. (投標 №117978195cn)