Tenders or Bid proposals are hereby invited from suitably qualified service providers for the following services: Appointment of a service provider for Sourcing of Funds and implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects at risk for a period of 36 months. (投標 №82824851cn)


國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 82824851
出版日期: 24-04-2023





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Dooyork and Coolaba GWS Mains Upgrade 源: ETenders

Request for Tender (RFT) for the Provision of EU Bid Services to Skillnet Ireland 源: ETenders

Offers are hereby invited to purchase Property & Movables as one offer: Massive Industrial Facility & Calcium Carbide Plant: vSA Calcium Carbide (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). The subject property consists of an enormous industrial compound which has been improved by numerous large warehouses, workshops, offices and yard space as well as a full calcium carbide plant and ancillary equipment. The property is located in Airport Industrial Newcastle in a very large and secure industrial type park. The site has been used for the milling, manufacturing, storage, bagging and packaging of various calcium carbide products and by-products, including carbide dust, lime and Acetylene Carbon Black (ACB). The property measures approximately 5.3753 Hectares in extent. Improvements on the property include: • Warehouses and workshops" • Offices; • Open fields and yard space; • Full scale calcium carbide plant and ancillary components. Property location: 1 Karbochem Rd, Airport Industrial, Newcastle, KZN. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Umzimkhulu Municipality hereby invites reputable and experienced service providers to respond on the following projects: Provision of Insurance Services (60 month contract). 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders or Bid proposals are hereby invited from suitably qualified service providers for the following services: Appointment of a panel of service provider for Review Spatial Development Framework Policy of Lekwa Local Municipality for a period of Eight (8) months. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders or Bid proposals are hereby invited from suitably qualified service providers for the following services: Appointment of a panel of service providers for service and repairs of the Municipal Fleet for 36 months on an as need basis. 源: ONLINE TENDERS