Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to quality assure the proposed Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) organizational structure for a period of 8 (eight) weeks. Scope: - Analysis and determine the alignment of the proposed organizational structure with the National Development Plan (NDP), Key priorities of the government, strategic plan, relevant DMRE National Plans, and mandate of the department; - Analyze and determine the alignment of the proposed organizational structure with Organizational Design principles relevant to the public sector, DPSA directives, and guiding documents; - Compile a detailed report on the outcome of the analysis of the proposed organizational structure; - Provide recommendations on the proposed organizational structure based on the outcome of the analysis with a detailed rationale for each recommendation; - Service delivery model of the department and also highlight the impact of the recommendation on the mandate and strategic objectives of the department; - Configure the organizational structure as per recommendations by the service provider in terms of the functional organizational structure that reflect the purpose and functions of the groupings at all levels; - Present the outcome of the analysis and recommended organizational structure to key stakeholders in the department and incorporate the inputs from the stakeholders on the proposed organizational structure. (投標 №83601800cn)


國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 83601800
出版日期: 05-05-2023





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Department of Education: Nkweletsheni Primary School: Appointment of a suitable Construction Firm for Construction of New Administration Block, Media Centre, Grade R block, Male & Female ablutions, Guard House, Refuse Area and Renovations of Existing Blocks (Classrooms, Admin); Demolition of Existing ablutions, electrical services and external works - 7GB 源: SA-Tenders

Janitorial Services - Warehouse Cleaning/Sanitizing DLA Distribution Jacksonville FL (DDJF) 源: Federal Business Opportunities

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery and construction of a large stock handling facility at Driefontein Farm in the Walter Sisulu Local Municipality of the Joe Gqabi District. The construction works shall include the following: - Construction of a Large stock handling facility; - Crush with scale and heavy duty body & neck clamp; - Loading Ramp. Time of completion for this contract is 2 Months. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Procurement of Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Server Software for a period of 12 months x 6. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery and off loading of LED street lighting luminaires. Scope: - LED street lighting luminaire only for Class A1, A2, A3, A4 installations, including seven pin Nema base, surge arrestor and shorting cap; - LED street lighting luminaire only for Class B1, B2 installations, including seven pin NEMA base, surge arrestor and shorting cap; - LED post top street lighting luminaire for Class B2 installations, including seven pin NEMA base, surge arrestor and shorting cap; - Spare LED cover; - Spare 10kA 10kV surge arrestor to fit 7 pin NEMA base; - Spare photo cell to specification to fit 7 pin NEMA base; - Spare rake angle adaptor (if one is required). Contract Period: Not exceeding thirty-six (36) months from date of commencement of contract. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Rebuild of the Dunoon, Usasaza and Phoenix MyCiTi IRT Stations. 源: ONLINE TENDERS