Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Payment Processing Services. Scope: Services required include: a. Transfer of net pay as per net pay file to individual employees; b. Transfer of third party payments to statutory recipients, i.e. SARS and Pension Funds; c. Transfer of other third party deductions to beneficiaries, i.e. Bond deductions on behalf of employees, emolument attachment orders to beneficiaries and union dues; d. The extraction of third party beneficiary details from the payroll files and the monthly electronic distribution of schedules to beneficiaries including all recipients of emolument attachment order payments; e. Dealing with payment rejections by the banks; f. Account verification; g. Garnishees – Legal oversight / Payment & Remittance; h. To warrant industry-standard disaster recovery procedures in respect of its product to ensure business continuity; i. Dual authorization functionality for audit purposes; j. Functionality for the stopping of payments to be done one day before payday; k. Automated proof of successful payments and payment rejections; l. Functionality for payment rejections to be repaid without return of funds; m. Dedicated consultant available 24/7 to assist with support and maintenance; n. Supplementary requirements that are relevant to the payroll area of responsibility: 1. Functionality to upload via service provider software package installed on both HR and Finance officials’ computers, for the balancing (HR) with the General Ledger (Finance); 2. Coding on service provider software setup according to the SAP HR Payroll deduction codes which results in easy tracking of payments or discrepancies; 3. All new deduction types to be added when needed; 4. Verification of banking details for all financial institutions; 5. Automatic warning messages when an employee’s banking detail has changed since the previous payment; 6. Automatic warning messages when there is a duplicate payment for an employee, checking ID number and banking details; 7. Stop Payments to be possible one day before payday; 8. Storing all South African emolument attachment order/garnishee third party vendors/garnishors banking details, including SARS IT88; 9. Verification of the reference numbers in order for payments to reflect correctly against employees’ records; 10. SARS PAYE, SDL and UIF – creating the EMP201 data when loading the monthly payments and storage of the history of payments made to employees and third parties; 11. Automated dispatch of emails to both Payroll and Finance teams with respect to loaded payments, funds needed, successful payments and payment rejections; 12. Rejections: Repaid within 24 hours – quick turn-around time. (投標 №83767781cn)


國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 83767781
出版日期: 08-05-2023





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国家税务总局阳原县税务局综合业务办公用房维修项目中标公告 源: CCGP

北京市消防救援总队2023年度心理健康服务项目竞争性磋商公告 源: CCGP

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Chemicals: - 88 each x Drain Cleaner - Type: Granules; Unit Package Size: 5kg virgin Plastic Container with Sealtite Cap; Packaging: 4 Units Per Box; Label Info: Description, Directions, Storage and Safety, Caution, Manufacturer and Expiry Date; Specifications: Alkali based; - 100 each x Drain Cleaner - Type: Granules; Unit Package Size: 5kg virgin Plastic Container with Sealtite Cap; Packaging: 4 Units Per Box; Label Info: Description, Directions, Storage and Safety, Caution, Manufacturer and Expiry Date; Specifications: Alkali based. Delivery Date: 2023/07/03. Delivery To: Electricity - Atlantis, Materials Store. Delivery Address: 1 Neil Hare Road, Atlantis. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

The municipality hereby invites prospective suppliers to submit quotations for the supply and delivery of cleaning materials. Specifications: 1. 60 x Domestos; 2. 80 x Dishwashing liquid (Sunlight); 3. 60 x Pledge furniture polish; 4. 80 x Handy Andy; 5. 80 x Duck (Toilet cleaner); 6. 20 x Jik; 7. 60 x Windolene (Glass cleaner); 8. 80 x Aroma Toilet Spray (210 ml); 9. 20 x Paraffin (1L); 10. 20 x Sunbeam red polish (350ml). 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of unique disposable cuvettes for discrete analyzer as per specifications, unit: each, qty: 1.00. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of goods for social development section. Scope: - Single metal bunk bed with ladder; - Single bed bedding; - Sanitary packs; - Wire metal lockers; - Electrical Hot water Urn; - Electrical Microwave. 源: ONLINE TENDERS