Proposals are hereby invited for the Supply, Installation, of Hygiene equipment and Consumables. (投標 №86676313cn)


國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 86676313
出版日期: 30-06-2023





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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of electrical equipment and issue a lab test with a twelve-month guarantee certificate. Specifications: - Insulation resistance test (TIN8D 15kV) x 1; - High power surge wave generator with its accessories (SWG 1750) x 1; - digiPHONE+ x 1; - Multimeter (AVO410) x 1; - LCR Multimeters (LCR-4070) x 1; - Clamp Multimeters (DCM 2608) x 1; - Hipot test (HVA60) x 1; - Millivolt injector (preferable Fluke 715 Volt/mA Loop Calibrator) x 1; - 4kV DC voltage injector x 1; - Current injector x 1; - Three phase turn ration test x 1. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are invited from suitable and experienced service providers for provision of internet services at Fort Cox Institute for a period of 12 months. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Suitably qualified, capable and experienced tenderers are hereby invited to tender for the following: Construction of Sithangameni Community Hall. The scope of the principal contract includes the following activities: • Preliminary and General; • Site Clearance; • Construction of new community hall building; • Construction of perimeter fence Clear Vu; • Construction of ablution building; • Construction of the septic tank; • Construction and paving of internal driveways and parking area with 60mm interlocking paving blocks complete with kerbing and edge beams; • Installation of water and sewer connections. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited from suitably qualified, experienced and skilled Civil Engineering Contractors for the following project: Thornhill Integrated Housing Development - Completion of Construction of 2,6ML Thornhill Elevated Tower, Sewer Pump Station and Pumping Main. Scope of Work: The completion of the civil and building works of the concrete elevated tower (repair works on the tower, pipework to connect the tower to existing infrastructure and chambers), sewer pump stator and sewer pumping main. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: SHEQ training for fire fighting, first aid and SHE representative in the EC Region 7. Training will be conducted in PRASA premises (for East London it will be done at East London Station and PE at Port Elizabeth Station and Queenstown will be at Queenstown station). 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Please note that the briefing session details has been provided. Quotations are hereby invited for the following: development of human resource management strategy for the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA). The scope of work should cover the following: • Conduct a scientific analysis and interrogation of the current SASSA Human Capital Management policies and practices; • Conduct research on related HRM Strategy preferably related to the public sector; • Develop the Human Resource Management Strategic document which will encompass amongst others these areas: Organizational Development; Talent Acquisition and retention; Human Capital Development and Performance Management; Employee Wellbeing; Employee Relations and Exit Management; • Consult the draft with relevant stakeholders for inputs; • Review the document in line with the inputs and guidelines provided by the stakeholders; • Finalize the document and present it for approval and; • Provide a close-out report. Place where goods, works or services are required: 501 Prodinsa Building, Corner Steve Bhiko and Pretorius Streets - Arcadia - Pretoria - 0001. 源: ONLINE TENDERS