Correction of Contract number: QCTO 10/2023: Bidders are hereby invited to submit proposals for the following tender: Appointment of an experienced and qualified service provider for the OQSF Articulation Project. (投標 №86861482cn)


國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 86861482
出版日期: 03-07-2023





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Procedura di gara 2023/041 - COMUNE DI BATTIPAGLIA - Servizio di prelievo, trasporto e smaltimento finale di rifiuti urbani provenienti dal Centro di Raccolta Comunale Periodo anni tre - CIG : 9901436B76 源: Comune di Bellizzi

Procedura di gara 2023/044 - COMUNE DI S. EGIDIO DEL MONTE ALBINO - Servizio di trasporto scolastico per Il periodo OTTOBRE 2023 DICEMBRE 2025 - CIG : 9905217BA4 源: Comune di Bellizzi

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FEL - Tonery 07/2023 formou náhradního plnění 源: Gemin Czech Republic

Vaskemidler og doseringsanlegg til sentralvaskeriet på Akershus universitetssykehus HF 源: kunngjøringer av offentlige anskaffelser og anskaffelser i forsyningssektoren Doffin

Bidders are invited to submit a tender for the following: Service and maintenance of twenty-four (24) SITA-owned office plants for a period of fifteen (15) months. The scope of work for this requirement is to provide the monthly service and maintenance of all SITA-owned interior office plants at the SITA Western cape office, as follow: a) Monthly service and maintenance of twenty-four (24) SITA-owned interior office plants, including the supply of new soil and trending top cover (pebbles/stones/bark, etc.) for these plants; b) Maintenance of the plants must only be conducted on weekdays during office hours from 09:00 and ending at 16:00 latest; c) The service provider shall provide, by itself, the full scope of work, inclusive of all overheads required to perform an end-to-end service, including but not limited to logistics to support first line maintenance. The cost for this is deemed included in the quoted rates; d) If due to any wilful conduct, omission, negligence or dereliction of duties on the part of the contractor or its staff, SITA suffers any pecuniary loss or damage, the contractor shall compensate SITA for the excess amount of such pecuniary loss or damages. The supplier must deliver the required products or services at SITA Western Cape Office, Black River Office Park, 02 Fir Street, Observatory, Cape Town, 7925. 源: ONLINE TENDERS