Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of independent fleet fraud examination services for a period of three months for 01 January 2022 to 31 December 2022. Scope: The appointed fleet fraud examiner/service provider shall be required to conduct the investigation with the assumption that the matters involved will end in litigation, and accordingly, shall apply all techniques, procedures and behavior that is appropriate in the law while gathering evidence to support the factual findings in his/her report. The fleet fraud examiner/service provider shall: • Establish and test the existence of a proper predication, which will form a basis for further investigation; • Have unrestricted access to all records, documents, forms, persons, offices, computer devices etc. that are appropriate in the circumstances of the investigation; • Perform the investigation in compliance with the guidelines and standards of fraud examinations which are generally recognized. This shall be a basis of proof that the work was executed at the standard of quality required of professional fraud examiners; • Shall conduct interviews as he/she deems appropriate to gather information pertinent to the investigations; • Shal examine all documents relevant to the investigation and draw conclusions or gather facts therefrom that are reasonably expected of a person occupying the same profession as the appointed person; • Shall apply tracing techniques and/or methods commensurate with the demands of the investigation as long as this remains within the law of evidence; • Shall report to the college in a manner consistent with the applicable standards and guidelines of fraud examinations. Reports must include documents, statements, exhibits etc. of evidence that supports the investigator’s factual findings; • Shall make him/herself available to present and answer questions by the College Independent Administrator or a delegated committee of council at its formal meetings; • Shall compile and submit a file of evidence to the college, which file shall be retained by the college. The college reserves the rights to make the evidence contained therein available to attorneys of choice; • Shall be available to provide answers to the college’s attorneys of choice and stand as witness in court to the extent that these matters are litigated; • Shall comply with the code of conduct and/or ethical standards of practice applicable to professional fraud examiners. Please confirm the contract period. (投標 №88425595cn)


國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 88425595
出版日期: 02-08-2023





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