Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Insecticides and herbicides. Specifications: 1. Paraquat — Herbicide (5litre), Qty: 1; 2. Ametrine — Herbicide (5litre), Qty: 1; 3. Atrazine — Herbicide (11itre), Qty: 1; 4. Steward — Insecticide (2litre), Qty: 1; 5. Stalk borer granules — Insecticide (3kg), Qty: 1; 6. Chlorpyrifos (metamidofos) — Insecticide (5litre), Qty: 1. Proposed Delivery Date: 20 September 2023. Delivery Address: Owen Sithole College Of Agriculture (Mpangeni). Local Municipality: Umfolozi. District: King Cetshwayo District. Please note that this quotation was published late. (投標 №90913492cn)