Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Substation vegetation maintenance for 11 months. Specifications: 1. Grass cutting activities must be completed within 5 (five) days during weekdays only from Monday to Friday between 08H00 to 16H00; 2. Cut all trees and grass within perimeter fence of the substation; 3. Grass to be cut at a minimum length of 10mm using brush cutter; 4. Rake, remove and dispose of all rubble on completion of cutting trees and grass includes rubble found; 5. Cleaning/litter picking inside the specified area to be done to the satisfaction of an official; 6. Cutting inside the substation yards, a two (2) meter perimeter cut around the outside of the substation yard must be cut clean of grass and trees where applicable; 7. The responsible person must be on site at all times to oversee the operation; 8. Contractor and his staff including the supervisor must attend induction training before they can start working. Substations to be cut: 1. Empangeni main sub; 2. Central sub; 3. Grantham sub; 4. John ross sub; 5. Carsdale sub; 6. Crawford sub; 7. Jameson sub; 8. Durnford Sub; 9. Ngwelezane main sub; 10. Satellite sub; 11. Ubhejane sub; 12. Nyathi RMU sub; 13. Western sub. (投標 №91720552cn)