Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and deliver food parcels, Quantity: 85. Specifications: - 10 kg Rice, - 10 kg Maize Meal, - 5 kg Brown Sugar, - 5 kg Samp, - 5 kg Sugar Beans, - 2 Litres Cooking Oil, - 500g Soup Powder, - 1 kg Soya Mince, - 80s Rooibos Teabags, - 6 x 400g Canned Fish in Tomato, - 6 Tins of Conned Meat (Bull Brand), - 500g Table Salt, - 1 kg Oats, - 4 x 200 g Bar Soap, - 250ml Sanitizer, - 4 x Greenbar Soap, - 10s of Toilet Paper. (投標 №93417544cn)


國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 93417544
出版日期: 31-10-2023





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胶囊式内窥镜系统、全自动血栓弹力图仪2项设备采购项目竞争性谈判公告 源: CCGP

清流县公安机关历史户籍档案数字化建设(二次)公开招标招标公告 源: CCGP

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Upgrade of the existing TeamMate subscription to AM_April 2023 Release. Scope of work: On Site assistance with the upgrade of the existing TeamMate to AM_April 2023 Release: - Installation of Web Apps, - Conversion of TeamMate SQL dB, - Creation of Connection and Services Files, - Setup of email functionality and scheduled tasks, - Install Desktop Software on Champion’s computer, - Create TMReg.ini, - Preparation of Client Install Routine, - TeamMate Champion and IT to install/assist with the upgrade of IA staff computers, 2. TeamMate AM Configuration: - Update of the TeamMate EWP Project Template according to uMhlathuze Municipality, - Municipality Internal Audit Methodology and Reporting Requirements, - Update of the TeamMate EWP 360 Report Template according to uMhlathuze Municipality, - Municipality Internal Audit Report. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of materials and labour to remove floor carpet and tiling at Council Chamber and Executive Council Chamber with 600 x 600mm Porcelain Tiles. Scope: • Removing of existing of Floor Carpet in all offices; • Safely move and return all Furniture when the work is done; • Adjust and return all doors after tilling. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of high voltage line testers. Scope: - High Voltage Detector 11 – 33kV with Carry Case; - Must be compatible to test the presence of voltage; - No on/off or range selector switches (always on); - Clear indication of voltage detection with both audible and visual indications; - Self test system to verify proper operation; - Operating frequency – range 50 to 60Hz; - Battery – field replaceable 9V; - Battery life – Approximately 1 year for typical use; - Operating temperature range -25°C to +40°C; - Weight (without probe) – 0.31 kg. Qty: 08. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

龙山镇湧北村排涝涵洞边、园美新村、径口组道路硬化工程更正公告 源: CCGP