Quotations are hereby invited for the procurement of access control consumables SITA Building. Specifications: - White N.C. Recessed (flush mount) wired security magnetic contact switch x 100; - Heavy duty wired industrial magnetic door monitor/contact x 30; - 12vDC, 350 kg waterproof maglock including its accessories and ZL brackets x 30; - Surface Mount Electric Bolt Lock 12/24VDC and its accessories x 10; - 12vDC Fail Secure Drop Electronic Deadbolt 5 Wires Electric Bolt Door Lock with Signal feedback Time Delay x 10; - 12vDC wired electric door strike lock, with Fail-Secure, Fail-Safe adjustable access control cylindrical lockset and its accessories x 10; - Emergency stop switch red push button N.C element with a white enclosure x 10. (投標 №93573884cn)