Addendum: Extension of Closing Date: Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (hereinafter “Eskom”) invites you to submit a tender for the following: Maintenance of gas monitoring system servicing the oil, coal, water and microbiology laboratories in Research, Testing & Development for a period of five (5) years. Scope of work: Maintenance of the currently installed gas monitoring system in the Oil, Coal, Water and Microbiology Laboratories is required for a period of five years. The gas monitoring system includes the following hardware components: • 2 x 3G Smartoo V4 GSM Modems; • 4 x 4 Smartoo expansions units; • Control panel with alarms; • Electrical enclosure; • 24V DC power supply and battery pack; • Oxygen gas detectors; • Pressure sensors (0-250 bar). The software used is the custom scripted Tru Talk V5 04 and the system can be monitored remotely via the Kronos Monitoring. The maintenance of the gas monitoring system must include: • Inspections/checks as and when required; • Calibration as and when required; • Replacement as and when required. The currently installed gas monitoring system measures and monitors the oxygen levels in the laboratories and the pressure of multiple gases required to operate laboratory instruments. The oxygen levels are monitored by measuring the active signal (4-20 mA) from the oxygen gas detector. In the case of oxygen depletion, the control panel then raises an alarm; as well as an indicator light on the control panel as a warning. (投標 №94287665cn)

國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 94287665
出版日期: 15-11-2023





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