Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fleet: Light and Medium Vehicle Spares: Supply and deliver spares: 4l gearbox oil (GL-4), qty: 1 each. Specifications: Reg. No/Type/Model: CCT33223, Toyota Etios 1.5 AL 2017, Vin No: MBJB29BT100111678, Notification: 902012046. Delivery date: 2023/12/15. Delivery to: Fleet Mechanical Workshop Bellville. Delivery address: 33 Reed Street, Bellville. Please note that this quotation was published late. (投標 №95786601cn)


國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 95786601
出版日期: 07-12-2023





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Dostawa wraz z uruchomieniem nablatowego, skaningowego mikroskopu elektronowego do budynku Muzeum Historii Polski w Warszawie 源: ezamowienia.gov.pl

Modernizacja Placu Zabaw przy ul. Zwycięstwa - B.O. - III POSTĘPOWANIE 源: ezamowienia.gov.pl

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Audio & Visual Services: Financial wellness session. Please note that this quotation was published late. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Corporate Merchandise: Supply of branded tablecloths, qty: 15 each. Specifications: - CCT Branded Tablecloths or equivalent; - Color: Generic blue & Black; - Material: polyester fabric; - Size: 350cm x 150cm; - Easy to clean; - Wrinkle-free; - Washable material; - Single side push through printing; - Artwork to read "Future Planning and Resilience" as per artwork; - Vendor to provide a piece of fabric with the logo for evaluation; - City logo to be printed; - 5 x CCT Branded Tablecloths; - Generic blue 10 x CCT Branded Tablecloths; - Black with gold City of Cape Town logo future planning and resilience. Delivery date: 2024/01/08. Delivery to: Support Services SUSE. Delivery address: 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town. Please note that this quotation was published late. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited from capable services providers for supply and delivery of grader blades for the City of Mbombela. Scope: Overlay 140h 17kg x 12; 5/8"X3" Plow Bolt Ht x 60; Hex Nut 5/8" x 60; Overlay 140g 15kg x 12; 5/8"X3" Plow Bolt Ht x 60; Hex Nut 5/8" x 60. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (hereinafter “Eskom”) invites you to submit a tender for the Supply and delivery of Electrical switches for a five-year period for Stock Replenishment. 源: ONLINE TENDERS