Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of service provider for supply, delivery and offloading of office stationery. Specifications: - Expected date of delivery As soon as possible; - Time: 09h00-17h00; - Venue:(Place of delivery) Office 301-H, 9 long building, 9 long street, Cape Town; - Type: Stationery. The stationery supplier must be based in Cape Town province. The quotation must include delivery of the procured stationery to the FPB Regional Office: - Pencils: HB Pencils, qty: 50; - Permanent Markers: Red, green and black (total 12), qty: 3 red, 3 green and 6 black; - Re-usable putty-Like adhesives: Re-usable putty-Like adhesives, qty: 5 packets; - Glue stick: Glue stick (43g each), qty: 12; - White board markers: White Board markers (4 colour pack), qty: 5 Packs (total 20); - White board cleaning spray: White board cleaner (liquid), qty: 5; - Writing pads: A5 Writing pads, qty: 50; - A4 Lever arch black files: A4 lever arch black files, qty: 20; - A4 printing paper: Printing paper, qty: 15 boxes; - Brown packaging tape: Brown packaging tape for courier of mater, qty: 10; - Highlighters: Highlighters (Multi colours), qty: 5 Packs; - Clear Packaging Tape: Clear Packaging Tape, qty: 10; - Medium two hole metal punch: Puncher (H-30), qty: 3; - File dividers: File dividers (Monthly, numbered 1-10 and 1-31 (5 packs), qty: 5 Packs of each; - A4 filing pockets: Filing pockets (plastic sleeves), qty: Pack of 100 x 5; - White A4 envelopes: Envelopes, qty: 30; - Pencil erasers: Pencil erasers, qty: 5; - Pencil sharpeners: Pencil sharpeners, qty: 5; - Pens: black (2 boxes), qty: 100 black; - Calculator: 10 digit calculators, qty: 2; - Staplers: Standard Staplers, qty: 6; - Staples: 26/6 Staples, qty: 12 packs; - PVC Clip Board A4: PVC Clip Board A4, qty: 10. Department: Finance. (投標 №97833970cn)


國家: South Africa
語言: EN
數: 97833970
出版日期: 16-01-2024





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Хичээлийн байрны жижүүр, манаа, сахиул, хяналтынкамерийн хэвийн үйл ажиллагааг хариуцсан бусдаар гүйцэтгүүлэх ажил 源: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Дунд оврын автобус /Дархан сум/ 源: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Оюутны дотуур байрны хүүхдийн хоол хүнсээр хангах 源: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

"Арван мянган хүлэмж" төсөл 源: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Locational Summer Flexibility 源: ETenders

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: IBM Server Upgrade. Scope of Works: Sentech require 3 x power 10 S922 with the following requirement/s (over and above the default server configuration): a. 2 of these servers each must have: • 1 Socket – Minimum 10 cores minimum 2.9 GHz; • Physical Memory minimum 384GB RAM; • 4 ports SFP+ adapter; • Dual HBA adapter (Fibre Channel); • Transfer AIX license and renew for 3 years; • From serial numbers: SN21A459W SN21A458W. b. 1 of the three servers must have: • 2 Socket – Minimum 10 cores minimum 2,9 GHz; • Physical Memory minimum 512GB; • 4 ports SFP+ adapter; • 2 x Dual HBA adapters; • Half of each socket (processor) provision/configured for SAP HANA; • OS Red hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL); • ½ of the Server must be licensed with AIX and 3 years support and maintenance. Responses to this RFQ must include: 1. vHMC (Virtual - Hardware Management Console); 2. 3 years 24/7 Hardware, Software support and maintenance; 3. 1 year Individual - IBM Digital Learning Subscription (That include Red hat). Place where goods, works or services are required: 1 Octave Road, Honeydew - Johannesburg - 2000. 源: ONLINE TENDERS