在圍欄和圍欄上: 招標、公共採購 2024. 頁 № 2


只: 212
25 jul
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Boundary and internal fence maintenance services contractor within the iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority for a period of thirty days. Scope of Work: • Perform regular patrols and monitor all the fences on a continuing basis; • Timeously repair, maintain and where necessary replace any part of the fences that are damaged, stolen or broken; • Keep the fences, clear of vegetation by cutting back shrubs, trees and branches, disposing of the cuttings and applying approved herbicides to that area; • Keep fence and surrounding, clear of litter; • Manage access for purposes of natural resources harvesting to the Ozabeni Section of the park; • Regularly report upon the condition of the fences and promptly report any damage to any part of the fence; • Assist with the security of the fences and where required, appoint a third-party services provider thereof; • Order, store and control adequate supplies of all consumables; • Insure the fence for inter alia theft, vandalism, flood damage, fire; • Effect major repairs after obtaining the written authorization of the CEO of iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority; • Set up control room and stores at suitable location; • Acknowledge that Ezemvelo is a day-to-day conservation manager of the Park; • Abide by the park rules; • The works will be situated at the listed iSimangaliso Wetland Park’s Boundary and Internal Fences; • Dangerous animals occur in the Park, and the service provider is required to provide dangerous-game training for all its Staff. Please note that this quotation was published late (EN) 添加到收藏夾

數: 108059805

國家: South Africa


27 jun

數: 106627172

國家: South Africa

源: RFQ

07 jun

數: 105678132

國家: Switzerland

源: RFQ