Мирзаобод тумани “Мирзачоʻл” МФЙ Навроʻз-1 коʻчасини таʼмирлаш (投標 №114434152cn)





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Re-emodelling, Mtc and Extension of pipeline distribution system and other allied works of LI scheme under Putia GP at Boxanagar R.D Block under W.R Sub-Division, Melaghar during the year 2023-24 源: Central public Procurement portal India

FDR / Mtc. of different roads under Ampi PWD (RandB) Sub-Division under Ompi R.D. Block/SH- Sal Post Boring, Palasiding ( L- 60.00 Mtr), Wire Crates and Gunny Bags Placing etc. during the year 2024-25. Group-I 源: Central public Procurement portal India

FDR Renovation of diversion scheme over kuruliachera under Kathalia R.D Block during the year 2024-25_ Renovation of sluice gate,gear box,wire rope, pucca canal at different location under Nidaya GP under water resource sub division, Kathalia. 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Restoration of damaged structure of 15(fifteen) different pump houses of LI_DTW scheme along with Kathalia PWD_WR_ Sub-division office maintenance within the jurisdiction of Kathalia RD Block under W.R Sub-Division, Kathalia during the year 2024-20 源: Central public Procurement portal India

FDR / Mtc. of different roads under Ampi PWD (RandB) Sub-Division under Ompi R.D. Block/SH- Sal Post Boring, Palasiding ( L- 60.00 Mtr), Wire Crates and Gunny Bags Placing etc. during the year 2024-25. Group-II 源: Central public Procurement portal India

Кегейли тумани 17-сонли мактабгача таълим ташкилоти иситиш козонини алмаштириш 源: ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ ТЕНДЕРНАЯ ПЛАТФОРМА ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ ГОСЗАКУПОК В СФЕРЕ СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ