U.S. Department of Agriculture Seeks to Lease Office and Related Space in Mt. Lake Park, MD (投標 №83443336cn)


國家: United States
語言: UK
數: 83443336
出版日期: 03-05-2023





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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: ICT - Cartridges: - Cartridge - Brand: HP; Part Number: B3P20A or OEM certified equivalent (Certification to be provided from the OEM of the original device); Colour: 727 Magenta; For Printer: Design jet T1500 e-Printer 36in, T1500 PostScript e-Printer 36in, T2500 eMFP, T920 e-Printer 36in, T920 PostScript e-Printer 36in; Specifications: 130ml; - Cartridge - Brand: HP; Part Number: B3P21A or OEM certified equivalent (Certification to be provided from the OEM of the original device); Colour: 727Yellow; For Printer: Design jet T1500 e-Printer 36in, T1500 Post Script e-Printer 36in, T2500 eMFP, T920 e-Printer 36in, T920 PostScript ePrinter36in; Specifications: 130ml. Delivery Date: 2023/06/19. Delivery To: Civic Centre Store: Ground Floor, Materials Store. Delivery Address: 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Stationery & office accessories: Supply of marker, whiteboard, bullet point, red, 2mm: - Marker, whiteboard, bullet point, red, 2mm, qty: 40 each; - Highlighter, chisel point, grn, qty: 310 each; - Highlighter, chisel point, pink, qty: 280 each; - Marker, whiteboard, bullet point, grn; 2mm, qty: 160 each; - Highlighter, chisel point, pink, qty: 60 each; - Marker, whiteboard, bullet point, blk; 2mm, qty: 190 each; - Marker, permanent, bullet point, blk; 2mm, qty: 60 each; - Highlighter, chisel point, blue, qty: 160 each. Marker: - Type: Whiteboard; - Point: Bullet point; - Colour: Red; - Thickness: 2mm; - Packaging: 10 per pack. Highlighter: - Point: Chisel point; - Colour: Green; - Packaging: 10 per pack. Highlighter: - Point: Chisel point; - Colour: Pink; - Packaging: 10 per pack. Marker: - Type: Whiteboard; - Point: Bullet point; - Colour: Green; - Thickness: 2mm; - Packaging: 10 per pack. Highlighter: - Point: Chisel point; - Colour: Pink; - Packaging: 10 per pack. Marker: - Type: Whiteboard; - Point: Bullet point; - Colour: Black; - Thickness: 2mm; - Packaging: 10 per pack. Marker: - Type: Permanent; - Point: Bullet point; - Colour: Black; - Thickness: 2mm; - Packaging: 10 per pack. Highlighter: - Point: Chisel point; - Colour: Blue; - Packaging: 10 per pack. Delivery date: 2023/05/15. Delivery to: Civic Centre Store: Ground Floor, materials store. Delivery address: 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Cartridges. Specifications: 1. Print Head - Brand: HP; Part Number: CZ677A or OEM certified equivalent (Certification to be provided from the OEM of the original device); Colour: Cyan & Black; Type: HP Latex 310. 2. Print Head - Brand: HP; Part Number: CZ678A or OEM certified equivalent (Certification to be provided from the OEM of the original device); Colour: Yellow & Magenta; Type: HP Latex 310. Delivery Date: 2023/05/30. Delivery To: Civic Centre Store: Ground Floor, Material Store. Delivery Address: 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited from suitable service providers for the supply of cement for the period ending 30 June 2026. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited from suitable service providers for the leasing of building and open area for laundromat at Uilenkraalsmond Resort for the period ending 30 June 2026. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Tender Notice for Zakat Medicine, Cantonment General Hospital, Rawalpindi 源: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL