Used For Iphonex Xr Xs Xsmax Phone (投標 №99461172cn)


國家: Uzbekistan
語言: EN
數: 99461172
出版日期: 12-02-2024





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Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Service and maintenance of Spectro analysis ICP-OES and XRF instrument and supply servicing consumables. Specifications: 1. Labour x 12 2. Travel x 4 3. Fan Axial 24V/33MA/0.8W - 57007040 x 2; 4. Filter mat 490X430X20 - 57840032 x 2; 5. Optical Fibre control - 75090023 x 2; 6. Gas cleaning system - 75160211 x 2; 7. Mn Pure PTFE isolator -47350046L x 8; 8. Coupler M5/Stainless steel/Vito was -443 x 2; 9. Seal Adaptor tube torch - 47510263 x 1; 10. Nebulizer cross flow - P/N75060502 x 2; 11. Spray chamber P/N 48105078 x 3; 12. Torch TS glastelile P/N 71000427 x 1; 13. Call out for repairs x 1; 14. Servicing of XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy) x 1. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of PPE for (ARC-Nelspruit). Specifications: 1. FFP1 dust mask (pack of 20) x 20 each; 2. 3 ply face masks (pack of 50) x 10 each; 3. Promax C4000 disposable chemical coveralls, 2 x Large (yellow) x 2 each; 4. Promax C4000 disposable chemical coveralls, 2 x Medium (yellow) x 2 each; 5. White Promax disposable chemical coverall, 4 x Medium x 4 each; 6. White Promax disposable chemical coverall, 6 x Large x 6 each; 7. Smooth PVC elbow length gloves (red) x 10 each; 8. Anklet socks x 2 each; 9. Jonsson ankle gumboot, size: 4 (black) x 1 each; 10. Jonsson royal blue dust coat (1 x XL) x 1 each; 11. Versatex work jacket (1 x size 38) x 1 each; 12. Versatex work jacket (1 x XL) with ARC logo x 1 each; 13. Dromex full face mask with filter set 4 x 4 each. Delivery address: Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops, ARC-ITSC, Corner of Bosch Street and Kanyamazane Rd R2296, Mbombela - 1201. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of the office furniture for protection services. Specifications: 1. Boardroom table x 07; 2. Boardroom chairs x 150; 3. High back chairs x 15; 4. Swivel high back operators chair x 95; 5. Hinge door filing cabinets x 62; 6. Desk with lockable drawers x 40; 7. Chat board x 25. Place where goods, works or services are required: Gauteng Province, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2000. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of sensory evaluation accessories. Specifications: 1. Disposable double wall Kraft-cupboard coffee cups with lids x 300 each; 2. 500ml still Aquelle water x 500 each; 3. Foldable cupboard bins (recyclable) x 20 each; 4. Bin liners x 50 each. Delivery address: Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops, ARC-ITSC, Corner of Bosch Street and Kanyamazane Rd R2296, Mbombela - 1201. Please confirm the contract number. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: South African Diamond and Precious Metals Regulator invites tenders for the repairs of air-conditioners. Specifications: 1. Installation of PC Board x 03 2. Condenser of the air conditioner system 4, system 6 and system 7 x 03 3. Repair of air conditioners on the 1st Floor and Ground Floor of SADPMR x 70. 源: ONLINE TENDERS

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